Where everybody knows your name....

God uses the most random of places to speak to me. Can you relate?

This time it was at Walmart.

As I was checking out my groceries recently, I looked up and saw this beautiful girl waving at me with a big warm smile.

Sheepishly, I smiled back at her. She looked familiar. Maybe a past babysitter? Did we go to church together? How do I know this sweet girl?

My brain was empty. Nada. No recollection.

A few minutes later as she is leaving, she comes right up to me and says, "Hey, Jill! How are you? How is Presley doing?"

Suddenly my brain came back to life.

I had met her a few weeks ago at our local orthodontist office. I had spent at least 30 minutes in her office discussing braces for my little girl.

When my brain finally charged back up, she and I chatted and talked for a few seconds in that Walmart checkout line.

As she walked off, I sat in amazement that she remembered my name. And my daughters name. We had only met once.

I was struck by how comfortable she made me feel by the one simple fact that she called me by name.

It felt good to be remembered. It felt special.

I got in my car and prayed that God would help me to be more like this young girl. More in tune with people. Listening to them as they talk. REMEMBERING their names.

Our names are so precious to God. In fact, our names are engraved on His Hand.

See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me. Isaiah 49:16

When someone calls us by name, it shows intimacy. A knowing.

Remember the story of the Samaritan woman at the well? [John 4:1]

Jesus approached her and talked with her. He knew all about this perfect stranger. She could not believe how much he knew. How could He know so much?

Because He loved her.

One of my favorite shows growing up was "Cheers".

When people walked into the bar called "Cheers", everyone said the persons name that walked in.

In fact, the theme song was, "Where everybody knows your name".

One of the lines of the song says this:

Sometimes you want to go...
Where everybody knows your name,
and they're always glad you came....
You wanna be where everybody knows your name.

Oh, but isn't this true?

Don't we all have this deep desire to be known? To be loved? To walk into a room and people know your precious name and they are so glad to see you?

I know I do.

That day in Walmart. I felt loved.

I felt remembered.

I felt known.

I believe God used this sweet girl as a reminder to my heart to do the same to others.

Love others by knowing them.

Love others by remembering their names.

Love others by being glad to see them every time you see them.

What a simple way to love others.

It doesn't take extravagant gifts, or extravagant planning.

I'm so challenged to live this way.

Will you join me?

Thank you, Miranda. I will never forget you. Or your name.




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