
Hi. Me again.

Well, there are three things that I turn to when I am emotional. Exercise, food, and writing.

I just finished an hour walk so the exercise box is checked.

And, since I a currently doing a 30 day detox [i.e. living H.E.L.L.], the only food I can turn to is healthy whole foods. Umm, no thanks.

So, I made a 3rd cup of coffee instead.

On to my third emotional release...writing.

Today is my kids last day of school for this year.

Joseph finished 10th grade.

Presley finished 6th grade.

Really, all week I have been so "together". I think with all of my focus on this detox I haven't had the emotional energy to cry.

Until today,

I know, I know. I just wrote about finding joy and having intentional joy a few days ago.

Here's the thing: I do have joy. But, I can also have some emotions at times. [i.e. tears flooding my face like Niagara falls]

The end of anything makes me sad.

The end of a vacation. The end of a book. The end of a movie.

I don't like endings.

As I took my therapy walk this morning, I held back tears behind my big fat round sunglasses. My nose was dripping, but I had no tissues. I just let it drip.

On my walk, I did a lot of praying. A lot of talking to Jesus.

At first, I wasn't sure what to say. I was just sad. I just didn't have words. And I told Him so.

Five minutes into my walk, I heard this scripture in my head:

1 Thessalonians 5:18  give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."

It was like God had flipped a switch in my heart.

I was missing something huge in all of this.

I had not thanked Him at all.

I had not thanked Him for my children. And that they were growing and changing.

I had not thanked Him for another sweet year of cherished memories and adventures.

I had not thanked Him that my children were able to pass their classes and move on to the next grade.

I had not thanked Him for anything.

Only complained about my sad heart.

For the next 45 minutes or so on my walk, I spilled out my heart to Him in thankfulness. I even laughed at some of the things I thanked Him for. I was giddy with thankfulness!

In an instant, my heart was lighter. Suddenly I noticed the sky. I noticed the crisp little breeze in the May air. I noticed two birds frolicking right next to me. I noticed a nursing cat and her 4 newborn kittens next to a house I walked by.

Life suddenly seemed sweeter.

I had been so worried about ending and change. All along God has been telling me to "look around, soak up what I am giving you. Be thankful. It will change you."

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things. Philippians 4:8

This scripture has never rang more true in my ears.

I had been focused on all of the wrong things, and it was making me miserable.

Oh, friend. If endings or change is hard for you too, I can relate. Oh so well.

But, I promise you with my whole heart that changing your mind-set to thankfulness will change your attitude and perspective.

If you are living and breathing air, you have something to be thankful for. I think the truest enemy to our well-being and contentment is a lack of thankfulness.

Thankfulness sets our hearts free.

Thankfulness brings contentment.

Thankfulness brings joy.

I am committed to praying for all of you today. Your hearts, your children, your families...

May He flood you with such joy!

Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever! Psalm 107:1

giving thanks,


Presley's last day of 6th grade

Joseph's last day of 10th grade


Our kids are thirsty....


He goes before you...