Fear Not...

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27

For the past 15 years, I have been a Mother. Besides my marriage, it has been the absolute greatest season of my life. However, it has also been the hardest.

We all wish that we could have a "re-do" button on some of our not-so-great moments in motherhood. I have many.

However, as I gain the status of getting to be an "older mother", with preteen and teenage children, I have learned a few things along the way. My role of mothering is constantly changing with my children.

First, let me get it out there...I do not like change.

Ok, I said it. I hate change.

But, change is necessary if we are living and breathing. So, we have to deal with it.

As my children started to become more independent I grew fearful. How would they survive without me? How will they know what to do? Who will keep them safe if I am not with them?

Typical mothering thoughts, right?

This is where our faith has to become a reality in our lives.

I have to turn loose of my grip on my children, and turn them over to the Lord.

Of course, this is so much easier said than done.

For years, I didn't really believe or trust that God would take care of my kids like I could. I doubted His love and protection over them.

So, I clung tighter. And tighter.

Fear can make a mother crazy.

Just ask my husband. [poor hubby]

My mind would go over scenarios in my head of horrible things happening to them. I would re-enact tragedies in my mind and literally start to shake with panic.

I was a mad woman. Getting madder by the minute.

How could I ever survive my children reaching adulthood with these constant paralyzing, fear inducing thoughts?

It was torture.

The enemy was dead set against using motherhood and fear in perfect combination to smolder any chance of faith-filled mothering that I had.

Something had to give.

I remember driving home form dropping my kids off at school one day. I had tears streaming down my face. I was picturing something happening to them and not being able to reach them.

I cried out to God to help me. I asked Him to release me from the fear that was overwhelming my soul to the point of exhaustion and consumption.

Minutes later, this scripture came to my heart and mind...sent straight from the Lord...

"Fear not, for I am with you..." [Isaiah 41:10]

In that moment, I relinquished my heart and my children over to the Lord. I told him through wet tears that I trusted Him with my children. He created them. He knitted them together in my womb. Certainly I could trust Him.

I knew in that instant, that no matter what happened, they belonged to Him.

"Fear not" were the first words that God spoke to Mary, the Mother of Jesus. He has been whispering the same words to us mothers ever since.

Fear causes us to be controlling. [check]

Fear causes us to be rigid and immoveable. [check]

Fear will override our faith if we let it. [check]

God never told Mary that He would keep Jesus in a bubble and nothing bad would ever happen to Him...

But, He assured Mary that Jesus belonged to Him and He would direct Jesus' path.

As mothers, we have to believe this is true over our children as well.

Mary sat at the foot of the Cross of her Son being crucified. She saw suffering and horror. Yet, she had the assurance that God had a plan. His plan was for the greater good. His plan was not her plan, yet she trusted God.

I want this kind of faith.

And, it is possible.

"Anything is possible for one who believes." [Mark 9:23]

Believe Him in the hard times.

Believe Him in the lean times.

Believe Him in the fruitful times.

Believe Him the grieving times.

Believe Him in the dark times.

Believe Him in all times.

"Perfect love casts out fear.." [1 John 4:18]

We become the mother He has created us to be when we mother out of faith instead of fear. Our times with our children become more joyful and less stressful when we can commit our children to  His loving care. Our children will be influenced by our faith instead of suffocated by our fear.

Fear not, sweet Mothers.

trusting Him,



Where I'm at.....


In the weeds...