Serve well.....

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Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return. Luke 6:38

My children are growing up. Like humans tend to do.

My oldest, Joseph, will be a junior in high school next year. Gulp.

I can look at his changing face and still see the 4 year old little boy in the backseat of my car. He will always be that little boy in my eyes.

When you start to see the end in sight, you start to question if you are doing enough as a Momma.

Am I teaching him enough about life?

Am I giving him the tools to be a responsible adult?

How will he treat others when I am not around to guide him?

Does he know how to clean up after himself? *still working on this*

How will he handle his money?

And, to be quite honest, one of the biggest things that I lay awake at night and think about is...

How will he remember his home life?

What will he cherish most about his life here under our roof?

Did I serve him well?

When we can see the end in sight, we suddenly are struck with wanting to pour out more. Teach more. Listen more. Serve more.

For the past year, as soon as my eyes open, my prayer is this: Lord, help me to serve my family well today. Give me the desire to put their needs above my own and pour out everything I have to them while I still have the strength.

I want to pour out. Everything I have.

Because, that's what God created us to do.

Whether we are momma's, or aunt's, or grandmother's, or mentors....

We have a high calling.

God gives us gifts to be used up. Not to be kept inside.

When we pour out, God pours right back into us.

For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground; I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring, and my blessing on your descendants. Isaiah 44:3

We will never give out of what we have to pour out. If we are seeking Him to be filled, the well is never dry.

Each day we have the opportunity to serve. To give. To pour.

The seasons in life eventually change. They will end. A new season will begin.

Let's pour out all that God has put inside of us in each season. To anyone that God puts into our path.

I am so grateful for those in my life that are still pouring into me. The pouring never stops. There is no age limit. If we have a heart beat, we have a mission.

As a Mother, this mission never ceases. It changes, but never ceases.

We are called to serve.

Jesus was the greatest Servant of all. Imagine, the Son of God, washing the disciples feet.

The dirtiest job around was not beneath the Son of God.

We should have this same attitude.

"The greatest among you will be your servant." Matthew 23:11

"So the last will be first, and the first will be last." Matthew 20:16

Without the love of Christ inside of us it is impossible to serve well. We will become bitter and demanding if we serve out of a prideful heart.

We must ask, daily, for God to give us the love of Christ in our hearts and a desire to serve.

Who are you called to serve today?

What an honor to be able to pour out.

May God continually fill your cup to be poured out into this hungry world.

going to get filled,



Who is your master?


Take a break....