Ce-le-brate good times, come on......

Whew. Is it May, or is it May?

I really think May is busier than December. For those of us with kids in school, it can become quite hectic.

So, let's lighten the mood, shall we?

This week in my county, it is our last week of school. Since my children started school over 10 years ago (whoa!), this has been my favorite week of the whole year.

Over the years we have celebrated this week in many fun ways. Most of these ideas are from other mother's that I saw do them first hand, or ideas the kids and I thought up together. These are not very pinterest-y, but they are a whole lot of fun.

Here are some of the things we do, or have done over the years to CELEBRATE this week:

Make a totally weird and different lunch than usual. Put random snacks in their lunch boxes instead of the ol' sandwich and chips thing.

Put food coloring in their bottled water--their favorite color. This may not be cool for "big" kids, so use discretion. ;)

Leave them a note each day this week somewhere in their book bag, folder, or lunch box.

Eat out one night, or three. You can make it really cheap. Look for cheap kids meals.

Cook their favorite breakfast one day this week. Let them pick the menu.

Same for dinner. Let each kid pick dinner and let them help you make it. OR, let them make it themselves.  Warning: This can get crazy. And a tad messy.

On the last day of school, surprise them with a Summer bucket. You can get a beach pail from the dollar store and put little things in the bucket that your kids would like. Crayons, markers, sidewalk chalk, bubble bath, candy, etc. Big kids like this too! Just use big kid items instead. ;)

Make a Summer bucket list this week with your family. Again, get a bucket from dollar store, and get clothes pins. Write activities to do this Summer in marker on the clothes pin, and pin it to the rim of the bucket. When you do the activity, throw the clothes pin in the bucket! Kids love this. Any age!

Motherhood can be so serious at times. My hope is that my children will remember that life is to be celebrated! Every day is a chance to celebrate. To be thankful. To choose JOY.

Joy is contagious. It affects all who enter into its presence.

A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Proverbs 17:22

Don't you love that?

How do you celebrate?

looking for clothes pins,



Summer of Obedience....


How's your lamp?