Dear SHINE friend....

I wish I could send you a Christmas card in the mail. The good old-fashioned snail mail way. Don't you just love opening your mailbox in December and getting a Christmas card? It is the best!!

I love reading each one. I spend a long time just looking at all the details, down to the handwriting on the envelope. I even notice the stamp. Every detail, I am telling you! This girl appreciates the effort that goes into a Christmas card. It's a labor of love. Isn't it?

Since I don't have your address, I wanted to send you a little Merry Christmas via blogger-style. Not the most personal, but I sincerely want it to be personal.

I am so grateful, beyond mere words, for your love and encouragement. These past almost 4 years have been absolutely life changing for me. If you had not been reading, I would have long turned off my computer. It is because of your kindness and support that have kept the flame alive in my heart to write. Each and every single time I sit down to spill out my heart through words on my computer screen, I picture your faces. I take this very seriously. I respect your time greatly. I don't ever want to waste your time. You mean the absolute world to me, and I can never ever thank you enough for reading these words from my heart. I pray for you often.

My prayer for you this Christmas is that your heart finds Peace in the midst of a whirlwind of activities. I pray the miracle of a baby being born of a virgin pierces your heart as if it were the first time you heard the Good News. I pray that the magnitude of His Presence makes you swoon as you ponder His Greatness. I pray that Jesus whispers His Everlasting Love into your precious ears as you wake up each morning and lay your head down each night.

My prayer is that no matter what state or circumstance you find yourself in this Christmas, that Joy, unspeakable Joy, will wrap itself around every particle of your being. Oh, how I pray for Joy for you!

May God bless you and keep you and shine His glorious face upon you.

Merry Christmas, dear friend. You are loved, oh so loved.

your SHINE friend forever,



When darkness swallows you whole....


When hope is lost....