Word to ya Momma.....

Daily Reading Plan: Find here.

Every word of God is tried and purified; He is a shield to those who trust and take refuge in Him. Proverbs 30: 5

My kids go back to school Monday.

On one hand, I am thrilled to be on a schedule again. Try as I may, Summer is just a hard time to stick to a schedule. The days are long. The kids get restless. Hence, schedules sometimes go out the window. With a big fat thud.

On the other hand, my heart feels that old familiar pang of sadness. I miss my kids when they are at school. The house gets really quiet. Too darn quiet for my taste. Don't get me wrong, my days stay full with a big old grungy load of never ending laundry, grocery shopping, errands, preparation for supper,  and morning bible studies. Oh, but I miss the craziness that kids bring to a home.

I know that sounds nuts. Missing crazy sounds crazy, right?

But, I do.

As I ponder the change of schedule next week, I just cling tightly to Jesus. I hear Him whisper, "I never change, Jill."

Jesus knows I don't like change. He knows how my heart could bust wide open when I see another inch grown on the basement wall where we measure our children.

Jesus knows how it's a daily struggle to let them go and let them fly. It does not come natural.

As much as I love my children, I know that God loves them more. I cling to this Truth.

He created them, He knit them together in my womb [psalm 139:13]. He knows every hair on their precious little head. [Luke 12:7]

As much as I want to keep them in this make-believe bubble, He made them for a heavenly purpose. A purpose far greater than I can even imagine. [Ephesians 3:20]

My job is to raise them in Truth. Raise them in Love. Raise them in Discipline and Training. [Proverbs 22:6]

Lord, help me to remember my purpose here. Help me point them to you. In a world that points them to anything but you, help me to shine the light of Truth into their precious beating hearts.

My children belong to the Lord.

Several years ago, I began praying words of Truth over my people. Words are powerful, for the good or for the bad. I want to pray goodness and truth over them all the days of their lives.

So, as I pray for them, I write down words straight from God's Word and cover them over my children.

It looks a little something like this:

It's helped me pray when I don't know what to pray or how to pray. I always want God's will for them, so I pray His Words over them. Simple, yet powerful words.

Side note--it  also helps me to let go a little more, and trust the One who created them.

[One more side note--it also helps when I am fed up to the top of my bleached blonde head. I open my little prayer book and recite these words--through gritted teeth.  It helps, people. It really does.]

you should try it,



Just do it....


A letter to the wives....