Help me with my crazy.....

I had a moment yesterday with my kids. One of those moments that you wish you could take back and re-do.

My daughter had said one too many words to me that day. And when I say "one too many", I really mean "a million too many". It was only 10:00 am.

She is going through a phase. Without giving you too much info, I will just say, we are all exhausted with it. I have tried everything. Prayed every prayer I know to pray.

So, as I am getting dressed, and looking forward to my friend and her kids coming to visit yesterday, she started in with the "one too many words" thing.

I silently tell Jesus to help me.

My daughter persists.

I silently tell Jesus, "Never mind, I got this."

I turned around and told my beautiful blue-eyed princess to "shut-up!"

The house felt like it shook off its foundation.

Yes, I am THAT mom.

I may have said it two or three times. Don't choke on your latte.

My thirteen year old son was in the room and he gave me that , "Mom, you went a little too far look."

If you have a child over the age of 12, you know that look. The look that says, "My mom is a little on the crazy side."

When your kids are little you can be crazy and your kids don't really notice, they are just too little to really get it.

But, when they hit the tween years, you suddenly become embarrassed when your "crazy" comes out. They are like little adults now, and they can sum up your crazy in a heart beat. Shoot.

When my son gave me that, "Mom, you went a little too far look", I went over the edge again.

Shoot me now.

I told both of the kids to leave the room, I needed to find my sanity.

My teenager gave me the, "you are SO weird", look.

That's always a fun look.

They walked out of the room and I fell to my knees.

I don't even know what I prayed.

Suddenly, I remembered the verse I had prayed over my daughter the night before.

This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. 15 And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him. 1 John 5:15-4-15

Okay, God....

I KNOW it is your will for me to have peace.

I KNOW it is your will for me to have a sound mind.

I KNOW it is your will for my daughter to have a sound mind.

I KNOW it is your will for me to let my mouth spill out love and not hateful words.

I KNOW it is your will for peace to surround my home.

So, with this said, I am expecting and believing for You to mend this situation. Quickly.

I got up off the floor, my friend came over, and my day went well.

Later that day, I pulled my daughter to the side and reminded her of God's Promise to us that if we ask anything according to His Will, that He will give it to us.

She nodded and agreed.

Oh friends, we are all in this together. Me, you, our kids, our husbands....we are in  THIS thing called life. And it can be HARD as heck.

Especially as your kids get older and they see the "crazy" we try to hide from the world. It's hard to hide crazy within our four walls.

Do you need to be reminded of His Promise that He will give you what you ask for according to His will?

Peace of mind?

Healing and restoration?


Grace and mercy?


It is all there for the taking. We just have to "open our mouths wide for Him to fill us." Psalm 81:10

He cannot fill us, unless we open our mouths to receive His goodness.

My mouth is gaping open, Lord. Fill it right up.

working on my crazy,



Wanna know a secret?


When your heart needs Peace....