Pray for him....

The destruction of the family begins with the destruction of the marriage. My husband used to be an afterthought in my prayer life. Sad, but true. My kids were the focal point of all of my prayers.

One sweet day, the Lord reminded me that if my marriage wasn't pointing towards Him, our lives would start slowly drifting apart. Our children need our marriage to be healthy and whole. The best thing I can ever to for my children is to pray for their daddy.

The stability or instability of our marriage trickles down into their precious lives. If I'm not praying for my husband, I am slowly drifting from him. My attitude can also be pretty crappy unless I stay in constant prayer on his behalf. Praying for my husband produces a deeper love and level of intimacy. It draws my heart closer to my husband, regardless of how I "feel" about him at any given moment.

God's word tells us that we became "one flesh" when we said our vows. So, in order for both of us to stay in tact, my prayers for him are vital. Here are a few prayers I like to pray from scripture over him:

Lord, capture all of my husband's thoughts to the obedience of Christ. (2 Cor 2:5)

Fill my husband's thoughts so he will not be filled with worry. (Col 3:2)

Flood my husband's heart with You, so that he can see the future You have in store for us. (Eph 1:17-18)

Open my husband's heart to hear Your voice as You tell him which way to go each day. (Deut 4:36)

May my husband's life be refreshing to others (2 Cor 2:15)

Set a watch over my husband's mouth, and keep the door of his lips. (Psalm 141:3)

Bring health to his body and nourishment to his bones. (Proverbs 3:7-8)

Create in my husband a clean heart filled with right desires. (Psalm 51:10)

Lord, bless my the work of my husband's hands. (Proverbs 22:9)

I encourage you not to lose heart. Keep praying, and watching to see what God does with your prayers. Let your prayers for your husband be the first words uttered from your mouth each day.

 "Do not get weary in prayer, but keep praying, being watchful and thankful." (Col 3:2)

Don't Quit.....


Hit the floor.....