What's your story?

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I sure hope you are devouring the book of Genesis. Really, there is nothing more exhilarating and breathtaking than the Word of God.

Nothing in Hollywood could come close to the script written by our God. Everything pales in comparison to His matchless Word.

Reading about Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph has really gotten my attention. I think about them constantly.

One thing about these men that really stands out is their faithfulness. They definitely made their share of mistakes, but goodness gracious they are faithful.

Abraham leaves his homeland and everything he knows in order to fulfill the Promise of a new land that the Lord has for Him. He also faithfully believes that God will give him a child as He promised, even in his old age.

Isaac is the faithful offspring of Abraham who prays for his barren wife, Rebekah. He is then blessed with twins. Jacob and Esau.

Jacob is a sneaky fellow, stealing his brother's birth right, but ends up being a strong man of God.

Joseph is the beloved son of Jacob who endures much suffering at the hands of his jealous brothers. He then becomes wealthy and prosperous and forgives his brothers for their treachery.

Would you leave your hometown and everything you know for the unknown?

Would you still believe God for a child if you were 100 years of age?

Would you be willing to forgive your siblings for selling you into slavery?

These men were not just bold in their faith, but they were bold in their actions.

They believed what God had told them. They trusted Him even when things seemed impossible. They didn't just talk the talk, they walked the walk. Even when everyone else turned against them.

We have the advantage of knowing the end of their story. We know how things turn out for these guys, and we are encouraged by their lives.

However, our faith gets shaky sometimes because we just don't know. We can't see the end so we can doubt God and His faithfulness.

Circumstantial faith is what I call it. When things are looking good, we love God and believe Him.

When things are unclear and shaky, we doubt His goodness, we lose our faith and we try to take control.

We often give up just before we see the Promised Land. We turn back and decide to try another route. A safer one. A route with less terrain and less friction. A more popular and people approved route.

If we want to have the faith of Abraham, we have to keep moving. Pushing through in prayer when doubt comes. Proclaiming the Promises written in His Word even when we don't see a lick of goodness.

"Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1

"And Abram believed the LORD, and the LORD counted him as righteous because of his faith" Genesis 15:6

Have you given up on God today? Is the road too long, too painful, too lonely to endure another day on this path?

Oh, friend. I encourage you to stay the course. Put your trust back into His Faithful, Sovereign Hands. Let Him lead you straight to the Promised Land of His Goodness. 

Do not give up. He will never leave you, He will never forsake you. [Deuteronomy 31:6]

I read in a book recently that sometimes the walk of faith is a group walk, and other times we have to walk single file. Single file can be lonely, but He promises us that we are never alone. 

"Nevertheless, I am continually with you; you hold my right hand" Psalm 73:23

When you get weary, think of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph. He loves you just as much as He loved them. And He has a story written just for you that will blow your precious mind if you let Him. 

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Your story is still being written. Take His hand and let Him show you the way. 

letting Him write my story, 



The struggle is real.....


Second Best.....