Help me with my kids please....

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As I finished the last chapter in Genesis, I closed my Bible and had a moment of silence with Jesus.

Tears flooded my eyes because I was not ready for this book to end. I had grown close to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph. The words on the pages of my bible came alive in my spirit and my heart.

With tears streaming down my cheeks, I prayed this prayer:

"Lord, I want to be like them! Please give me a heart to follow Your commands. Not just follow Your commands, but to teach Your commands to my children. Lord, let my children love Your Word! How can I teach them to love Your Word? Show me, Father. I want them to crave Your commands and Your Truth more than anything in their precious lives. Please help me to teach them well, Lord. Not just by my words, but by my actions."

I opened my Bible back up and started the book of Exodus. After reading two chapters, I wept to the Lord again. Y'all God's Word is tearing me up!

I am changed each time I read it. My heart desires more and more and more. His Word is Alive. It's true.

His Word is teaching me about motherhood. In a profound way. Although the Old Testament was written over two thousand years ago, it still resonates with us. Exactly the way God intends it to do.

Our spiritual ancestors are teaching us how to pray for our kids. How to teach our kids. How to live a life of faith for our children to bear witness to.

In a world that tries to annihilate our children daily with pornography, addiction, perversion, body image issues, material wealth, and so much more...

We are not left without a weapon to fight back! We have God Almighty on our side! NOTHING else can fight the enemy and his fiery lies like God's Word and prayer.

The two combined are the deadliest combination we have this side of Heaven. We must use them.

 " addition to all, taking up the shield of faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. And take THE HELMET OF SALVATION, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. " Ephesians 6:16-17

"And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.” Matthew 21:22

For many years, my weapons sat dusty on a shelf. My Bible was never opened. Ever. My prayer life was stagnant, unless I was extremely desperate.

His Word has changed all of this. His Word has taught me how to be equipped. Equipped to fight the battle the enemy wages against me and my family.

Never again, will I be without my weapons of warfare.

Our children are in the fight of their lives and they have no idea. The dangers are lurking on social media, in their schools, outside of their schools, everywhere.

The battle is REAL.

"Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. " 1 Peter 5:8

The enemy is on attack and we must learn from our spiritual ancestors.

We MUST pray.

We MUST teach them God's Word.

We MUST be diligent over their comings and goings.

Who are they hanging out with? Who are their friends on social media? What kind of comments are they leaving on friends pages? What kinds of comments are being left on their pages?

We MUST open our eyes.  The enemy is waging war on the hearts and minds of our children. God has given us the job of protecting them, equipping them. If we don't, who will?

Our churches are wonderful, but they are only an accessory to us in raising our children. It is not the church's job to be the sole care giver of our children's spiritual growth.

It us up to us...the parents.

We must quit being so defensive over our children, and scared of hurting their feelings when we tell them "no". We are not called to "make them happy", we are called to "train them in the way they should go, so that when they are old they will not depart from it." [proverbs 22:6]

We must come together as parents and support each other in this daunting task of child-rearing. When we see a child in danger, we must love the child and the parent enough to shed light on the situation. We must be able to talk to each other as parents and express our concerns over each other's children.

When we shut down and become defensive over our children,  it blinds us to truth, and our children are left paying the consequences of our pride.

Not sure about you, but pride went out the window when I birthed my first baby! Nothing brings us to the lowest rung of the humility ladder like our children. Just when we think we deserve a "Mother of the year" award, they will do something to knock that title right out of our prideful little hands. Oh yes. Every time.

For the record, please always let me know if my children are in danger. Whether they are in danger of a bad reputation,  poor character, or  actual physical danger--I want to know. If you see my child or hear of my child doing something that could endanger them, please love me enough to tell me. It may sting and hurt, but I cannot help my child if I do not know they are in danger.

Our society and culture has spoken fear into the hearts of parents. Fear of "getting involved". Teaching us to just "mind our own business" instead of helping each other out when we are in need. Fear of being "too overbearing" or not "politically correct" as parents.

This is contrary to God's Word.

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:30-31

We must love each other enough to pray for each other. Support each other. Encourage each other. Speak the truth in love when needed.

We must love our own children enough to open our eyes. Check their phones. Check their computers. Check out their whereabouts. Regularly.

If they have a phone, Ipad, or tablet, remove them from their rooms at night. [I learned this from my pastor]. Put them in a place where they cannot access them. Our children may not like it, but one day they will thank us for it.

 Ignorance is not bliss when raising our children. Ignorance is dangerous.

If we are too busy to do this, we are too busy.

God never intended for busyness to take the place of raising our children.

He has equipped us with everything we need to fight the enemy as he battles for the hearts of our children. We must be prepared for warfare.

A war needs an army. An army of believing parents. Standing together in the trenches, outside of the trenches, and equipped with God's Word and prayer.

Even with standing on the Word of God over our children, and praying the daylights over them, our children may still stumble. And greatly.

This is a call to persist. At all costs. Never give up on God's plan for your children. He can do mighty things with a mistake-filled life. Just ask Jacob, and Moses, and King David.

"Instead of your shame you will have a double portion" Isaiah 61:7

As we fall on our faces before God and ask Him to help us in our parenting, let's remember to:

-Read His Word daily.
-Pray for accountability in parenting--friends, family, neighbors. Others that can help keep watch over our children.
-Ask God for wisdom in parenting. Ask Him all day long!

"If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you." James 1:5

Gosh, Genesis has taught us a lot, hasn't it?

Let's keep reading,



Avoiding Extremes....


The struggle is real.....