Pray for who??

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Oh, Job. Job, Job, Job.

You really need to make wiser choices in friendship, Job. However, I admire you for obeying the Lord in the end and praying for your foolish friends. You rock, Job. Peace out, friend.

If you have hung in here with us in this long book of Job, you just finished reading the part where God comes in and talks to Job and his mouthy friends.[Job 42]

Did any of you cringe a bit as well? I was biting my nails as the Lord spoke so Sovereign and Powerful to Job and his goofy friends.

I was just about to shut my eyes and quit reading until I got to this part...

"And the Lord restored the fortunes of Job, when he had prayed for his friends. And the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before." Job 42:10

Wait, what?

Ok, let's read this one more time.

And the Lord restored the fortunes of Job, when he had prayed for his friends. And the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before.

So, let's get this straight.

Job lost everything. And I mean everything. His friends come by to comfort him, but end of throwing him under the bus. They told him that because of his many hidden sins, the Lord had punished him.

Job begged and pleaded for those mouthy men to let up in their rebuke, but they didn't.

We learned in the beginning of the book that Job was allowed to be tested because of his faithfulness and holiness. Let's say that again....Job was allowed to be tested because of his faithfulness and holiness. 

Can we just park here for a second?

What if we viewed life in this way. What if we chose to believe that it wasn't because of our sinfulness and ugliness that bad things come our way, but out of our faithfulness.

I know this is not always the case. Sin does come with consequences.

However, what if we could wrap our brains around the fact that sometimes we jump to conclusions, judge others and ourselves, without knowing the full story.

We often condemn ourselves and others, when God alone is the Judge and Jury. Only He knows why He allows certain things to take place. He is Sovereign. We are not.

Can I get a hallelujah?

Soak on that thought. Let it resonate.

Okay, moving on.

Job prayed for his friends. Even after their wrongful accusations.

Job prayed for his friends. Even after they turned their backs on him.

Job prayed for his friends. Even after they mocked him and insulted him.

I'm struck by something here. As I type, I cannot help but to picture Jesus on the Cross. Hanging there, bloody and battered.

As He looks across the crowd that mocks Him and spews insults, this is what Jesus says, "Forgive them, Father. For they know not what they do." Luke 23:24

This is a huge teaching moment for us, friends. Huge.

Are we praying for those friends that hurt us? Are we praying for those that have turned their backs on us? Are we praying for those that have rejected us, used us, or gossiped about us? Are we praying for those that "know not what they do?"

If we are not, what would happen if we did.

I wonder what in the world God has in store for us when we can turn our hurts over to Him in prayer. Not only turning over our hurts, but those who have hurt us as well.

"But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." Matthew 5:44

I'm seeing a pattern here.

thank you Job,



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