Help me....

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28

I have to be honest about something. In the last post I wrote to you, I encouraged you to rest. To soak up the quiet of Christmas. To surrender to the Peace that the season offers.

Well, I have not been doing that. It's just so hard. So many parties, so many gifts to buy, so many cards to send, so many....everything.

It makes me tired just to write all of that. Goodness gracious.

However, yesterday, God made sure I that I would partake in His Peace. In His Quiet. In His Rest.

I woke up just as I have been, with my head spinning of things that need to be done. This particular day was going to be a doozie. So many things to check off the list. A meeting at school smack dab in the middle of my afternoon. An after school activity, and many errands to run. Ugh.

As I sat in the quiet of the morning, guzzling my liquid consciousness [coffee], I stared at my Christmas tree and took a deep breath in.

Lord, I need you today, I need you right now. Please talk to me. Speak to me. I miss you. I feel so disconnected from You lately. The irony is that this season is all about You, yet, I feel so far from You. Please help me. I need to re-focus. Talk to me, Lord. Please. 

Reading my devotional, I felt a little peace. I felt a little more connected. However, that quickly ended. The clock struck 6:30 am and it was GO-time. Y'all know what I mean. Kids up! Kids eat! Kids dressed! Kids in car!

The morning routine was a blur. Moving at break-neck speed, we got in the car to head to school. I was DETERMINED to get my middle schooler to school on time. I was late one day this week already, and I was not about to have to get out of my car, sans make-up, and sign him in....again. 

We are half-way into our 17 mile drive to school, when we realize that my daughter has left her project at home.

Okay, here's where Momma's head spins and her eyes pop out of her ever-lovin' head.

My poor kids. They were at the mercy of a rushed, hurried, stressed-out, left-project-at-home, mother. They had no chance.

By the time we got to my son's school, my daughter was crying her eyes out. I had pretty much yelled at her the entire way to school. NOT proud.

[on the positive side, my son was on time! barely.]

As we turned the corner to head to her school, I felt a nudge to just drive back home. With my daughter with me.

I said a quick, "I need to know what to do, Lord" prayer

It was like the car just started driving itself home. Not kidding.

Before I knew it, my daughter and I were home. I had decided on that 17 mile drive home,  that she needed to stay home with me today. Our morning had been beyond rough, and I needed to ease my guilty conscious and love on her today.

Well, as soon as we arrived home, she plopped on the couch. She then told me that she didn't feel good. Uh-oh.

This never happens. This little girl has the energy of a bunny rabbit. Never sitting. Ever.

I knew she must be sick.

I took her temperature, and it showed what I already knew.

Plopping down next to her, I exhaled.

Okay, Lord, this is why we came back home. My baby girl is sick. She needs to rest. I need to rest. We need to rest. 

I sent a couple of emails to people I was supposed to meet up with that day, and felt the hugest rush of peace and relief.

My baby girl and I were having a home day, and I could not be happier.

Of course, I was not glad she was sick. However, I was glad to have the time with her. To snuggle with her. To watch a Christmas movie with her. To love on her.

In between snuggles, I got caught up on the laundry.  Y'all would have fainted at the laundry baskets that were overflowing. Even my son said this week, "Mom, please wash my clothes." Oops. That's embarrassing.

God was Present in the sweetest ways yesterday. As I was folding laundry in the laundry room, a big beautiful red bird caught my eye through the window. It landed on a tree right outside of the window. If you know me, you know that red birds are a reminder from Jesus that He is with me.

I thanked Him over and over for reminding me of this.

At the end of that day, I was full. Full of peace. Full of refreshment. Full of Him.

He had answered my prayer so sweetly, and in such unexpected ways. Tears are rolling down my cheeks as I ponder His tenderness and faithfulness.

Once again, I am in complete and utter awe of Him.

He never ceases to go over and beyond showing His love. He meets every need, even the ones we are unaware that we need met.

Do you need a breather? Do you need a little peace today?

Oh, sweet friend, go to Him. Talk to Him. Pour your little heart out to Him. He will answer. He is faithful in every detail of your precious life.

"May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.  The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it." 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24




A Christmas Story--well, kind of......


Surrender to Silence....