You are Called...

November Reading Plan: The book of James
November Memory VerseJames 3:10
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The winner of our SHINE Girl Give-away is......

Sharon Gregg!!! 

Please email me at shinegirlsshine at gmail dot com and give me your mailing information! Congratulations, Sharon! Thank you Jess Simons for the awesome devotional as our give-away prize!!

[We will have another give-away very soon...stay tuned!]

"Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom." James 3:13

As we read James, we see the call that God is giving us. It's a high calling.

The book of James inspired by God is a call to holiness. A call to excellency. A call to righteousness. A call to faithfulness. A call to a life surrendered to Christ.

Before you shrug and say that it's just too much to expect from a girl living in a fallen world, stay with me for a second.

James lived in the same world we live in. Different time period, but same fallen world none the less. He faced trials just as we do today. Different, but the same.

God would never call us to do something that we were not equipped to do. Because He lives in us, we can do all things through Him. [Philippians 4:13]

God would never call us to a life that would be bad for us or negate His promises to us. Because He lives in us, we know that we have a hope and a future. [Jeremiah 29:11-13]

God's Word unfolds the standards that He has called His people to live. They are not just pretty words, made for "perfect" people. His Words are Truth. His words are Life. His call for us to live a life of excellency, purity, and holiness is attainable by a life surrendered to Him.

His high calling for us is not to chain us up to a bunch of laws, in fact, just the opposite. His high calling for us is to unchain us and set us free. "Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free." John 8:32 

The world offers us mediocre standards, at best.

The world's standards are not our standards, sweet friends.  We do not belong to this world, we belong to Him. [John 17:16]

Our standard, our calling, is a life abiding in Him, Jesus Christ. Our lives are not merely a window display for others to see. They are for our Father in Heaven to see. A heart deeply marked with devotion and surrender to Him. The knowing that when not one person sees us or notices us, our Father sees us. And, oh sweet friend, does He see us. A heart given wholly to Him. Not out of duty or law, but out of love.

Let us not get wrapped up in law, instead let us get wrapped up in Christ. Religion tells us to do more, be more, show more....

Jesus tells us to humble ourselves, and surrender to the fullness of Him. Not ourselves. [James 4:10]

He must become greater, we must become less. John 3:30

Jesus doesn't put the pressure of perfection on us. Jesus offers a life of excellency from obedience and surrender to Him. This has nothing to do with us, and everything to do with Him. Aren't we so glad?

When we humble ourselves with less of us, He adorns us with more of Him. Oh to be adorned with Him! Gosh, I want that. More than anything on this Earth.

If you are tired of feeling like you are not doing enough...good. That's a good place to start. We will never "do enough". Jesus finished our "enough" on the cross. Once and for all.

Jesus tells us, "His yoke is easy, and His burden light..." in Matthew 11:30.

What a relief.

less of me, more of You,



It's about Time....


Shut my mouth.....