A Little Note for you....

We have a winner from our SHINE Girl Give-away...

It is MeLissa Allen!

My daughter drew the name, and we are so happy that you will receive this wonderful book by Renee Robinson! Yay!!

Please send me your address, and your book will be on the way! What a perfect way to start off this Christmas season! Congratulations!

Dear SHINE girls,

Okay, so let's get down to business about our reading plan.

I am taking the month of December off to rest, renew, restore, and enjoy every second with my family.

Of course, I encourage you to stay in God's Word, especially in the midst of the busyness of the upcoming holidays. Check out the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Good, good stuff.

I will be in much prayer over the direction of SHINE girls for the upcoming year. My prayer is that the Lord will guide and lead as the New Year comes upon us. I never want to move an inch without clear direction from the Lord. So, I am excited to see where He leads this ministry. Would you please be praying along with me?

Also, I must take this opportunity to thank you for the constant encouragement, love, support, and prayers for me and this incredible gift of a ministry. My eyes brim over with tears as I reflect upon the last 3 years with all of you. Just when I need it the most, I will hear from one of you. The Lord uses your encouragement and prayers  to spur me on another day. Truly, you are loved and adored beyond words.

So, as I celebrate Thanksgiving this week, I reflect on one of the biggest blessings in my life....all of YOU. You truly bless my heart.  Even though many of you I have never met face to face, I consider you one of my best friends. Trekking through this life, studying God's Word together, hand in hand, rooted in Jesus Christ. What is better than that?

I pray you feel the Father's Grace, Love, Mercy, Peace, Renewal, Joy, and Restoration this week. As you celebrate Thanksgiving, may the Lord Jesus blanket you with His Presence.

"Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! 
Give thanks to him; bless his name!" 
Psalm 100:4

thankful for the gift of you,



Surrender to Silence....


Seeking Christmas SHINE girl give-away......