Taking a break....

October Reading Plan: The Book of Acts
October Memory Verse: Isaiah 60:1-2
Prayer Requests Go Here.
New to SHINE? Go Here.

I just wanted to give you ladies a little heads up that I will not be posting next week. My family and I will be on Fall break, and it could not come soon enough. :)

However, we will not take a break from our reading. My plan is to read a chapter a day of Acts this month. There are 28 chapters. Very doable.

If you finish early, read through again. It's amazing how God can show you something completely different each time you read it. His Word really is living and active.

Our Fun Friday Challenge:

Make time for the Word this upcoming week. Whatever you are doing, wherever you are, take some time to meet with Him. Download the Youversion app if you can. Listen to it in your car if you have to. God's Word can go with us anywhere. :)

When life gets hectic, I always go back to this verse:

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Matthew 16:33

When I truly seek Him first, the peace rushes in. His Word cannot lie.

Seeking Him,


The Time is Now......


Please don't bother me.....