We have a WINNER.....

September Reading Plan: Psalm 31-60
September Memory Verse: Psalm 34:1
Prayer Requests go here.
New to SHINE? Go here.

We have a winner in our SHINE Girls Give-Away!

The winner receives my absolute favorite prayer book....EVER. "Prayers That Avail Much", by Germaine Copeland.

My daughter, Presley, drew the winning name!

Congratulations to

Please email me at shinegirlsshine@gmail.com to let me know how to get this book to you. :)

I am so excited for you, Erin! Yay

[Girls, If you have a SHINE prize that you would like to donate for our next give-away, let me know!]

Happy Weekend, SHINE girls. It is GORGEOUS outside here in Georgia!! I hope you all are enjoying your day!

going back outside,



If not you, then who?


Forever Changed....