Praying Through the Stillness......

September Reading Plan: Psalm 31-60
September Memory Verse: Psalm 34:1
Prayer Requests go here.
New to SHINE? Go here. 

Good morning, girls! I have the incredible honor of posting one of our precious younger SHINE sisters story.  I'm amazed by her wisdom and faith. If you have younger women in your life, please consider forwarding this post to them. It's really good wisdom---for any age. :)

Praying through the Stillness
By: Erin walker

Happy Saturday, SHINE girls!

My name is Erin. I’ve been following the SHINE girls blog for about 2 years, and it has been an incredible blessing. I’m constantly amazed at the Spirit’s timing and how the very scriptures and truths that Mrs. Jill posts and shares are the very same ones that He is teaching me in my personal walk. This happened just this past week with the challenge for us to pray for marriages and the scripture “Be still and know that I am God” in Mrs. Jill’s vlog and also in Mrs. Sarah’s story.
This past summer I graduated from college. Four years ago when I was a freshman, I remember thinking to myself, “For sure, in the next 4 years I’ll meet a great guy here at school, we’ll date, get engaged toward the end of our senior year, and be married sometime after graduation.”

I’m smiling as I type this because, guess what? The Lord had a different path for me. In those 4 years I  met a number of great guys, but I never dated a single one of them, I’m not engaged to any of them, and I’m also not married to one of them either. I’m still single!

I remember there being periods of contentment where I was happy as single and not interested in being in a relationship. Other times, my dear roommate G and I would pile up on my bed and commiserate as to why we were still single and couldn’t find boyfriends. :) Of course, we would overdramatize and laugh about our “misery”, but there certainly were seasons that I felt like everyone else was in a relationship and there must have been something wrong with me for no one to pursue me.

This past March, I was content with where I was, not comparing myself to others who were in relationships. It was during this time that the Holy Spirit began to lead me in ways that I could start praying and preparing for my future husband and our marriage.

He has been the perfect Teacher, revealing the purpose of marriage, a more realistic view of this commitment, and how to prepare for this lifelong bond through a variety of resources. He’s opened up His word, showing instances of His sovereignty and control and what He desires from me as I wait on Him. Girls, ask Him to teach you- He will, He wants to! He is faithful in this and has shown up time and time again, blowing me away with His perfect instruction and insight.

And here is where I am especially thankful for the blessing that SHINE girls is- Recently I’ve noticed that I’ve made myself busy, busy, busy with learning and taking in all that I can concerning all things relationships and marriage- so much so that it has become my focus in prayer, quiet time, study, and conversation. Just within the last week and a half, I’ve been putting aside the Spirit’s gentle voice saying to me, “You’re making this into an idol. Focus on Me.” When Mrs. Jill introduced our challenge to pray for marriages,instantly, I thought, “Ooo yay! This goes right along with what has 
been reoccurring in my life these past few months!”

And then the Lord spoke so clearly through Mrs. Jill and Mrs. Sarah and how He has revealed Psalm 46:10 to each of them.

“Quiet down, Erin. Be aware of Me and acknowledge Me in this season. Wait on Me.”

Still. Frozen. In awe.

And get this- The word “know” in Psalm 46:10 is “Yada” in Hebrew. One of its closest synonyms is the word “nakar” which means to acknowledge”… Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”

Girls, He’s teaching me to quiet down and to trust and follow His leading-His perfect leading that is so good and fulfilling to follow- so that I will be prepared to be still and follow my husband’s leading one day.

It’s been a good, rich season of learning, listening, reading, and studying about this next chapter in life that will come- and I know that He’ll continue to teach on this subject. I’m looking forward to quieting down and being still while He leads. He is so good!

I am praying for you all!


Hitting Our Knees.....


Don't give up....