Let's Pray.....

September Reading Plan: Psalm 31-60
September Memory Verse: Psalm 34:1
Prayer Requests go here.
New to SHINE? Go here.

Happy September, Friends! I love this time of year! Don't you?

We are doing something a little different this month. Stay with me now. [please] 

Our reading will be continuing on in the book of Psalm. We began Psalm back in July. We are picking up right where we left off. 

Why Psalm? Oh, I am so glad you asked. ;)

This month we will focus on PRAYER here on SHINE. I could use a little booster shot in my prayer life, and I am hoping you could use one too.  Psalm is the perfect book for this journey. The Hebrew title of the book of Psalm  translates to "praises."  Furthermore, the word "psalm" comes from the Greek psalmoi, meaning "songs." 

So, Psalms are prayers and songs. See? Perfect.

One more little factoid about Psalm: Jesus loved the book of Psalm. His last words were quoted from Psalm 31:5, "Jesus called out with a loud voice, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” When he had said this, he breathed his last. Luke 23:46

Pretty amazing, right?

This time of year can get busy. Football games, school schedules, work schedules, blah blah blah. Our prayer lives can become a little stale, or maybe even a little non-existent. 

This month we are going to be intentional about prayer. I will post some ways that can help keep us on track with our prayer time. Again, this is as much for me as it is for all of you.

Each week of this month we will focus on something specific to pray for. All week we will be very intentional in praying over this specific thing. 

As we study the book of Psalm, we will intertwine our reading into our prayers. You will absolutely love this part of our learning this month!

I am so excited about what the Lord will teach us and how He will lead us this month. I have prayed FERVENTLY about what to study this month. This is His plan for us, girls! Oh, how He loves y'all!

He is longing for closeness to us. He is longing for our hearts to be connected with His all day  long. We must train ourselves to focus our hearts each day. He designed us for this!

"Pray without ceasing" 1 Thessalonians 5:17

This week our prayer focus is this:


Maybe you are married. Maybe you are single. Maybe you are divorced. Maybe your are widowed. 

It doesn't matter. I want us to pray for all marriages. If you are married, begin by praying for your own marriage. As you continue to pray, pray for the marriages around you. 

Girls, marriages are falling apart at the seams. More to write on that later, but for now, please pray. 

If you are not married, please still pray with us and for us, and for the marriages around you. We desperately need your prayers. When the enemy gets a foothold into our marriages, we are doomed. We suffer, and our children suffer. 

Please don't think that you will not be affected by these prayers if you are not married. Oh, the contrary. When we pray these self-less, others-focused prayers, something amazing happens. God pours out His love right back on us. He will bless you in ways that will blow your mind. 

"And the Lord restored the fortunes of Job, when he had prayed for his friends. And the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before." Job 42:10

I cannot wait to approach His Throne on behalf of all of your marriages. His ears are attentive and His hands are outstretched. He wants our marriages to be strong. He wants them to thrive, not just survive.  

Let's lift up prayers for the marriages in tact, but also for the marriages that have already fallen apart. For those that are divorced, separated, widowed. These hearts are in desperate need of healing from hurt, pain, and possibly even regret. My prayer is that God will soothe and replenish your heart. No matter where the hurt lies, His hands  can and will heal even the most broken of hearts. 

Your marriage is being covered in prayer, you have my word.

hitting my knees,



Be Still.....


Whom Shall I Fear?