Getting Specific.....

September Reading Plan: Psalm 31-60
September Memory Verse: Psalm 34:1
Prayer Requests go here.
New to SHINE? Go here. 

Praying for our Children
by: Lisa Inlow

I Thessalonians 5:16-18  Rejoice always, pray continually, giving thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

This is a tough passage to live out, right?!

In this post I'm going to focus on praying continually...for our children.

For me, prayer is a state of mind.  It's part of my day.  I talk to the Lord about everything.  And so many of those prayers, are for my 2 kids.

I'm going to rattle off scenes and scenarios, painting pictures of my days and how praying is just part of it.

We quote Psalm 91 together, a lot.  Other times I quote it aloud in the car, on my walk or just doing my thing here in the house.  I have also recently, typed it out, printed it, and put it in my kids backpacks.  I picture it as full on armor on their backs!  Praise Him!!

While picking up in their rooms, or honestly, walking in their rooms, then promptly walking out (disaster areas I tell you)...I will sit on their beds, my hand on their pillows and pray.

Things they are experiencing now, behavior or obedience issues.  Other times their spouses, and the type of home they are growing up in now as little ones.  Asking too, that my children, and their future spouses love HIM, above each other.

There's something about their beds and pillows.  I guess it's the quiet and still of night.  I ask the Spirit to speak to them during those hours.

A bunny trail thought if I may.  I tap on my kids hearts and tell them to start listening to the Quiet Voice.  I explain how He works, whispering gently, nudging them the right way.  I tell them ways the Spirit talks to me.  And how we have to learn what that voice sounds like.

I also pray for my kids when I'm folding their laundry.  Their socks, I ask Him to guide their feet.  Keeping them on the path of Truth.

I get really specific on this one too.  Asking Him to not have my daughter walk into frat houses when she's in college (she's only 6, but hello, pray now!).  I pray her feet will not take her to backseats of cars, into bars or places the Spirit urges her not to go. "Lord, give her the confidence to walk the other way"...

And with my boy.  I pray about his friendships.  His sensitivity to the Spirit.  That he and his little sister will be friends, forever.  That no matter their age, they will enjoy each other, long into adulthood.  And I pray, that the Light of Christ will shine through him, drawing others in.

What a joy to go to the Throne on their behalf!!  Ah, I love it!! To pour out my mom heart to the One!  The one who knit them together, inside of me!

Will each of you join me?

Dear Father, We love you so much!!  We come to you and pour out our deepest desires and concerns on behalf of our children.  Thank you Almighty God for your crazy love for each of us!!  Amen.

A Soul in Need....


Hitting Our Knees.....