
August Reading: The Book of Jonah
August Memory Verse: Psalm  84:1-2
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"In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33

It seems like I hear bad news everywhere I turn these days. Each time I hear it, my stomach tightens up, my hands get sweaty, and my heart beats a little faster.

Life can be so overwhelming. Life can be confusing. Life can be hard.

I notice in the book of Jonah, that trouble came to him when he ran from the Lord. However, we can be right in the middle of God's will and trouble can find us.

Trouble is not the absence of God's Presence. Oh no. Trouble can come right in the midst of His Presence.

Sometimes we find ourselves in the belly of a whale [like our friend Jonah], when we did not ask or choose to be there.

Notice in the verse above that Jesus says, "In this world, you will have trouble..."

It doesn't say we may, or that we might. It says we will.

This is not meant to scare us or bring fear. He is telling us this to encourage us that even though trouble will come, He is bigger. He has overcome the trouble that will find us.

In other words, He has already fought and won that battle for us.

No need for us to fight it and lose our peace. In fact, in Psalm 46:10, He commands us "to be still, and know that I am God."

He also assures us in Isaiah 49:25 that He will "contend with those that contend with you."

So, let's break this down.

When trouble comes, we need not to fear. He has won that battle.

We are just to be still and know that He is able.

Not only is He able, but He is contending with the trouble that finds us.

The trouble of sickness.
The trouble of death.
The trouble of heartache.
The trouble of loss.
The trouble of rejection.
The trouble of fear.
The trouble of anxiety.
The trouble of worry.
The trouble of addiction.
The trouble of guilt.
The trouble of regret.

It may not look like He is contending, oh but sweet friend, His word never returns void. You can bank your last penny on His Promises.

Trouble will come, but His Presence will never leave you. His peace is there for the taking.

Be still, breathe in His Promises, and let Him contend.

finally some good news,



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