Jesus is in the Laundry......

August Reading: The Book of Jonah
August Memory Verse: Psalm  84:1-2
Prayer Requests go here.
New to SHINE? Go here.

I have a confession. I hate laundry. I despise it. 

Cleaning toilets, I don't really mind. Dishes, not so bad. 

Laundry, puke. 

Laundry is just so consuming. It seems to never ever end. In fact, it never does end, does it? Toilets can stay clean at least for a few days, right?

Laundry is constantly being turned over, and over, and over. [insert frustrated face]

As I was folding the kids laundry [for the thousandth time this week], I recalled this verse. The Lord literally pierced this verse straight into my weary heart.....

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving." Colossians 3:23

Suddenly, I imagined doing the laundry in the presence of God. I imagined Him watching me, and talking to me. I imagined it was His laundry I was folding! I imagined Him smiling at me and showing me His appreciation for my service. 

Y'all, it helped my mood tremendously! I suddenly became overwhelmed with joy to be folding the laundry. Shocking, I know.

When the kids came home from school, I kept this same verse in mind as I helped with homework, prepared after school snacks, cooked dinner, cleaned up after dinner, watched a dumb show with Lem on the couch [because he loves when I sit next to him] ,bathed the kids, and tucked them into bed. 

Again, it worked. 

Wow! God's Word was really on to something here! [as always]

When I get tired of serving my family, tired of the daily duties, tired and weary from the demands of motherhood and wife-hood.....I can recall this verse. 

A heart focused on serving the Lord, will turn a weary heart into pure joy. 

Our Fun Friday Challenge:

Start this day out with the intentions of doing everything as unto the Lord. Imagine Him right next to you as you begin your daily grind. Imagine Him talking to you, encouraging you, and smiling at you for your heart of service. 

Let the middle part of that verse put you into action a little quicker: "since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward".

Need I say more? :)

Go, serve HIM!

folding laundry with Jesus, 



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