What's your story?

Reading Plan: The Book of Matthew
June Memory Chunk: Psalm 23
Prayer Requests go here.
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It's Friday!
A little business to take care of before you start your fun weekend.
Keep reading Matthew. You should be around chapter 20 or so. If you are not even close, no worries. Just read. :)
Today, my family and I leave for the beach so I will not be posting next week. I will be leaving my computer behind to enjoy some sun and fun!
If you are behind on reading, this is a good time to catch up. Go slow and absorb God's Word. Don't miss the little details, they teach us so much.
I'm already praying about what to read next month, so be in prayer with me as we figure out our July plan. :)
This is the most fun I have ever had! Digging deep in scripture with my favorite SHINE girls is a dream come true for this little heart!
God is teaching me SO much along the way. I have to stop and catch my breath sometimes as He reveals new things from scriptures I have read time and time again. His word is alive. Truly.
I will leave you with this to ponder next week as you study...
**What part would you have played in the life of Jesus if you would have been on earth with Him?
--A Leper?
--A woman bleeding for years?
--A girl who needed to be brought back to life?
--A blind woman?
--An unbeliever?
--A follower of Jesus?
--A disciple of Jesus?
Maybe several all rolled into one. Or maybe something I haven't listed.
Pray to the Lord and thank Him for coming for you.
Whatever your story, He came to heal you. He died to heal you.
"He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters" Psalm 18:16
"He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me" Psalm 18:19
Your story is His story.
Praise Him for this.
blowing you kisses,

Guard My Stinkin' Mouth......


Forever Your girl.....