Prayer is the answer...

Reading Plan: The Book of Matthew
June Memory Chunk: Psalm 23
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Prayer is the answer to everything
by: Lisa Torino
I am so blessed to have been asked to share what God has laid on my heart with you all!  I am totally intimidated by the prospect of little ole me writing something, but I KNOW that it will be God speaking through me. 

A quick thank you to Jill for all that you are to me and so many others. ;)
I am basically a toddler as a Christian. My spiritual birthday is September 25, 2011 and although I grew up in the church, I never fully wanted to commit to Jesus. For years I hungered for a relationship w Jesus, but I did not commit my life to Him.  As many of you have experienced, it took being at my lowest point to say I was finished with how I was living my life. Reading God's Word has opened my eyes to His faithfulness and grace.  Tackling Matthew has been different this time around because as I continue to grow as a Christian, God will show me more or something new each time I read it. 
As I have progressed in our reading in Matthew, I find myself going back to chapter 5 and one verse continues to speak to me.  

Matthew 5:6 "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled."

I would like to share with you what God has been showing me through this verse.  Let me tell you the first word that comes to mind when I read this verse, PRAYER. In the past year, God has shown me the extraordinary power of prayer.  I personally believe that there is little stronger than a mother's prayer.  My mother prayed for 33 years for my salvation.  It was unending and the Lord continues to bless her for her prayers.  

For years, I yearned for that closeness (what I affectionately call in the nook Christ's arm) with Him. I was able to get there through praying and seeking Him daily.  Praying for dependence on His word. Praying for the absolute need to pray in the morning and throughout my day.  Jill can attest to this, but I struggled with my quiet time.  My relationship with Him was so-so. I would walk that line with Him.  Give Him time when it was convenient for me. All along, not feeling fulfilled in my walk. I had to "hunger and thirst" for my relationship with Christ. I began by asking God to fill me with such an overwhelming need to pray and read the Word. I spent so much time praying about this particular matter that it seemed to happen on its own, but you and I really know that the author and perfecter of our faith used this time in prayer to draw me closer to Him. I have expanded my prayer to the ones closest to me.  Daily I pray for my husband, my daughter, for their safety throughout their day.  Their salvation.  I pray that I can be the light for them.  That when see me, they see Jesus.  

Romans 5:19 "For just as through the disobedience of the one man many were made sinner, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous."

Ladies, we can change our little worlds by being hungry and thirsty for Him.  God will quench the thirst of those who desire Him. The woman at the well with whom Jesus spoke to had been married five times and was living with a man who not her husband, yet Jesus spoke to her about being thirsty.  (John 4:14)  We all have a desire deep down that only God is meant to fulfill.  If we go looking in other areas, we will never be satisfied.  

If you have something missing in your walk with Him, my hope is that you will seek Him in prayer. Prayer is always the answer. 

Psalm 107:9 "For He satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things."

I am no Bible scholar.  I am just like you.  I stumble in my walk, but I also am picked back up by Him.  No matter where I am, He is with me. If He isn't with you, He can be.  I am praying you will be hungry for Him.  Seek Him in prayer.  He is there, always has been.  

Have a beautiful day my sisters in Christ!
Lisa Torino
Lisa and her beautiful family

Stop the bleeding......


Meet me at the gate.....