Answered Prayers.....

Today's Reading: Lamentations 2
Find the Reading Plan here.

Hello, SHINE girls!

A little heads up, we will not have a memory verse this week. By the end of this week, you will know why. {Curious, aren't you} :)

On the other hand, we will have a GREAT and FABULOUS post today by Kristy Griffin.

In honor of Mother's Day coming up this weekend, I asked her to do a follow-up post from her post  last May. You won't be able to read it without a Kleenex, so go ahead and grab a box or two.

Be blessed by God's faithfulness today, girls!

Answered Prayers
by: Kristy Griffin

Hey Shine Girls! I’m so excited to be able to write this year’s Mothers Day post!! When Jill asked me to write I burst out crying! I’d been praying that God would give me the opportunity to tell the rest of our story! I’ve had the privilege of writing once before, last year on May 29th.

That post was a huge deal for me! The Lord was doing major things in me and in my life at that time. I wrote about fear and about stepping out of your comfort zone, which was fitting because writing that post was ME stepping out of my comfort zone and facing my own personal fears. I wrote that one of my fears was that I might never become a mama…

If you know me, you know that all I’ve ever wanted in my life was to be a mama, to have my very own precious baby. My husband and I waited and tried for 10 years to have a baby!

Girls, this year is extra special for me. You see, after writing that post last May, after The Lord brought me out of my comfort zone and taught me to give Him my fears; He gave me my hearts greatest desire. On June 16th, the day before Fathers Day, we found out that we were pregnant!!! It turns out that as I tearfully typed out that Shine post, my God had already taken away my worst fear by answering my greatest prayer!

Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.”         -Psalm 37:4

I immediately knew that this baby would be born healthy and happy. I knew without a shadow of a doubt that our baby would be a girl and that I was supposed to name her after her daddy. I knew that God knew ME and He would never give me this joy to just take it away. If He was giving us a child then it was because we were ready.

On Valentine’s Day this year, we were blessed with the most beautiful baby girl I’ve ever seen in my life. We named her Kamryn Allen Griffin.

Born at 7:58pm weighing 9 lbs 3 oz and 21 inches long!

(Kamryn with her mama and Nana)
My friends, I’m writing this in hopes that you’ve read my first post, because I want you to see what God can do for you if you trust Him. I want you to see how faithful He is!
For years I thought God didn’t hear my prayers. I WAS WRONG! He heard every prayer I prayed. Over the years He gave me strength and comforted me when I would take pregnancy tests and they would be negative or as I sat in church each Mothers Day and watched nearly every lady around me stand up when asked how many mothers were in the room. He never took away my desire to have a baby, but instead gently reassured me that He wasn’t finished with me yet.
Each morning when Kamryn sees me, I’m rewarded with her biggest smile. And before we begin our day I tell her about how much me and her daddy wanted a baby, and that God answered our prayers by giving her to us. I want her to know how special she is and how amazing our God is!
These days my prayers aren’t much different. I still pray for a baby. But, instead of asking Him for a child, I thank Him for loving me so much and for answering my prayers. I pray for my sweet girl and ask Him to protect and watch over her, to comfort and strengthen her as she grows up. I pray that she comes to know Him at an early age, and I ask Him to let me and her daddy be the ones to tell her about Him.
Being a mama is one of the most important roles I play. For years I’ve watched other moms around me and took notes on the kind of mom that I want to be. I want to be the mama that jumps in the rain puddles with her baby and paints her toenails hot pink so that we match. The mama that prays over her baby each night as she sleeps. I want to teach my little girl Gods word and tell her how proud of her I am when she goes to Him on her own! I want to love her daddy so well that she grows up seeing what a happy God based marriage looks like. I want to be that mama…
He settles the barren woman in her home as a happy mother of children.  Praise The Lord!”   -Psalm 113:9
There’s one last thing that I want you girls to know. After we found out we were pregnant we began to hear from those around us about how they had prayed for us over the years. We were humbled and in awe over the amount of people that had felt led to pray for us. And not just our family and friends, but people that we didn’t even know that had only heard about our desire for a child! In His Word it says…
For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.”            -Matthew 18:20
How true this is!!! God’s ears must have been flooded with the amount of prayers He heard on our behalf! How grateful and thankful I am that so many took time out of their days to mention my name to Him!
Girls, on this Mothers day my heart is overflowing! Each time I look at my baby’s sweet face I’m reminded of just how good my God is.
I’m praying for you today, Shine girls, and I’m so blessed to be able to share in this day with so many of you!! Happy Mother’s Day!
Kamryn’s Mama,


Ready for Battle.....


Let it go.......