Turn around....

Today's Reading: Matthew 25:14-46 
Find the Reading Plan here.

Some days I feel so confident in what the Lord is doing in my life. Those days are easy and light. I like those days.

However, some days I am not sure what God is doing. I am not sure where He is leading me. I get confused and ask Him to help me trust Him.

Can you relate?

In those moments of lack of clarity and understanding, I did deep in His Word. I draw as close to Him as I possibly can and ride out those feelings of shakiness and confusion.

It hasn't always been this way.

In the past, when these "doubtful" feelings would come, I would run from God. I would stop praying, stop reading His Word, and go anywhere except where He was. It was like I was mad at Him and running was my way of punishing Him.

Really, it was the opposite. Running from Him was only hurting me, and delaying my eventual return back into His big, safe, trusting arms.

Those days that my flesh wants to run far away,  I now have learned to deeply abide in Him. There is no safer place to be.

Our memory verse for this week is one of those verses that I cling to in times of doubt or lack of understanding.

Our Monday Memory Verse:

"For I know the plans I have for you", declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Wherever you are today on your faith journey, I pray you will know and believe that God has a hope and a future for you. More hope and future than you can ever wrap your pretty little mind around.

If you have been running from the Lord, turn back around. Run right back into your Father's big and open arms. There's no better place to be.

no more running,



He Loves Me Anyway.....


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