Soul Hunger....

Matthew 19:1-22
Find the Reading Plan here.

Happy Fun Friday! If you haven't noticed yet, we are back in the book of Matthew starting today.

I know, I know, this reading plan jumps around a bit. We like to keep you on your pretty pink toes!

I'll make this post short so that you can get on with your business this beautiful Friday morning.

I hope you have had some time to sit in the Lord's presence this week. Even if you weren't sitting. Even if you had no time to sit down, I hope that you were able to quiet your sweet minds and hearts before God.

{this has become my new favorite place to soak up His Presence.
my back porch.}

This sure has made such a difference in my week. Our souls crave our Creator, and often we fill that craving with many other things. Things that just won't satisfy the soul, and actually just leave us craving more of the Lord.

This soul-longing has taken me a very long time to figure out. I would fill this gaping hole in my soul with so many other things. The Lord was most often the last place I looked. He was the place I looked when I was so utterly desperate and had tried all other things. He was my "when all else fails" God.

It has to be completely the opposite. We must seek Him first, above all else.

"Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Matthew 6:33

Our Fun Friday Challenge:

Seek Him first today. Before you do another thing, just go to Him and sit in His perfect Presence.

Let Him speak to your heart and fill that craving in your beautiful God-seeking soul.

seeking Him above all else,



Just Go.....


Be Still Already.....