My 10th Grade Hope.....

Today, my whole family is at home, due to not being able to travel because of the ice and snow surrounding us.

If you do not live in Georgia, I am sure you have seen the news. Most of us are home bound due to the road conditions. For a homebody like me, it's heavenly.

I have my husband, my kids, my dog....and lots of milk and bread. :)

As I am surrounded by my favorite people, and tomorrow being Valentine's Day, I cannot help but to think of my 10th grade math teacher, Beth Crowley.

Mrs. Crowley was my favorite teacher...ever. She was beautiful, kind, funny, and most of all she LOVED and ADORED her family.

I would fall under her spell every day in class as she spoke about her husband and children. She would tell us stories about their day to day activities. My ears and heart absorbed every word.

On Valentine's Day she would wear panty hose (when people used to wear those!) with hearts on them. She would wear red or pink clothing and make that day so very festive.

My 10th grade year, the Lord used her in my life in such a huge way.

I was insecure. To the nth degree. Bad perm, braces, and oily, pimple prone skin.

God used Mrs. Crowley to plant hope in my heart. Hope that one day I would be a wife, and a mother, and tell stories about them to others.

From the time that I was a small girl, being a wife and mother was all I ever wanted. If someone were to ask me what I wanted to do, I would say "be a wife and a mommy".

Mrs. Crowley was living proof that the life that I so desired was real. It could happen, and it would happen.

God planted those desires in my heart so long ago, and He brought it all into fruition. More than I could ever imagine. I could not be more grateful.

"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life." Proverbs 13:12

Several years ago, I did a bible study that encouraged us to write a note to someone that influenced us growing up. The note was to thank them for the seeds that were sown in our hearts because of them.

I knew exactly who I would write...Mrs. Crowley. I sat down, wrote the letter, and found her address. Which was a miracle. An even bigger miracle was that she lived in the next city over from mine. What?!

I sent the letter, and a few weeks later, she wrote me back. I was thrilled!

Fast forward to this past Fall.

I led a bible study at my church, and was very nervous about it. I prayed and prayed  over the content, over the girls that would attend, and over every aspect of this group.

I had  no idea if anyone would even show up. Which, actually, would have been okay with me because of my nerves! :)

On the very first night of our study, a beautiful lady walked in the class.

It was Mrs. Crowley.

I could not believe my eyes! Could that be her?? What was she doing this class? She didn't attend our church.....what in the world?

I immediately burst into tears.

She was so kind, and sweet and told me the story of how she was led to this class.

Girls, the Lord was all over this.

Here I was, standing at the front of the class, and there she was sitting down at a desk.

Our roles had reversed.

The Lord used her once again in my life. This time to calm my nerves, and give me strength as I led this class.

She brought so much wisdom and insight to our class being one of the more seasoned girls in attendance.

We now meet for coffee, text often, and pray for each other daily.

I still cannot believe how the Lord orchestrated all of this.

She is still a mentor to me, and always will be.

Is there someone in your life that God has used to encourage you along the way?

Our Fun Friday Challenge--a day early:

Write a letter to someone in your life that has made a difference. They may never know the difference they made until you tell them.

God plants people in our lives for this very reason. He uses others to spur us on and keep us encouraged.

Just like He used Mrs. Crowley in my life.

As I type this, the Lord just reminded me that He has given me the chance to tell stories about my family as well. Not in a 10th grade Math class, but on this very website. Countless stories about my little family have been shared on here.....and I cannot help but to smile and think about Mrs. Crowley.

He knows the desires of our hearts, girls. He planted them there.

Go, write that letter, and pray for the person He used or is still using to spur you on.

Although, I won't be wearing pink and white heart pantyhose tomorrow, I will be celebrating a fun holiday with my family. Just like Mrs. Crowley did.

"Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4

snowed in with love,


**Join as we read along in our daily reading plan. You can find it here. 

A Love Letter for you....


What are you running from?