The Good Stuff.....

I love today. Want to know why?

It's my birthday!

Yes, I am not one of those who shy away from telling people my day of birth...I shout it from the rooftops!

When you get to be my age, you celebrate BIG! :)

My friend Lisa and I share this day as our birthday. How wonderful is that?

When I found out she and I shared the same birthday it made our friendship even more special!

Aren't we as girls, just giddy about celebrating? It's just so much fun.

When we get new lip gloss, new hair products, new shoes, a good deal at the mall....don't we like to celebrate and tell our friends?


We like our friends to get in on the good stuff! We want our friends to share in the discovery of good things or good deals we find, right?

That's why I love sharing a birthday with Lisa. I get to share being giddy, excited, and all of the birthday FUN...with her!

As I prayed for all of you yesterday, I realized that we as women need to be the same way with sharing God's Truth with each other.

Sometimes we shy away from sharing God's Promises and Truth. Why is that?

I'm asking myself the same question here.

Sometimes we even have an easier time sharing God's Promises with strangers than with those under our own noses. Those family members, neighbors, or even friends that are hard to love. Hard to talk to. Hard to be around. Just plain hard.

We may even have a very good reason for estranging ourselves from them. They may have been hurtful or said hurtful things to us or those close to us.

Why do we think that these hard people are not on our radar to show God's Love, Truth, and Promises? Why do we think they are somehow excluded from God's command for us to love?


Maybe, just maybe, God is waiting on us to show these folks His love, before He wants to move us on to bigger ministry opportunities. Gulp.

We often miss the trees for the forest. I know I said that backwards, but think about it.

We often think outside the box, when God desires us to think inside the box first. Then, He will move us on outside of the box.

If we truly want to be God's disciples, we must ask Him for the desire the compassion, the boldness, to share His Love with all around us. Even the ones we would rather not.

As we study the life of Jesus in Matthew from our reading plan, I am ever encouraged by His Love for others. Even when those "others" betrayed Him. {hello, Judas}

Jesus shared all that He knew about God with those around Him. He didn't keep any of that good stuff for Himself...He shared!

Our Fun Friday Challenge:

Share the good stuff with others today. Pray for the desire to tell those around you about the Goodness of Christ.

Maybe it's someone you see every single day, and have not thought twice about them being in your path. Could it be that you will be the one to show them the Love of Christ? Could it be that God is using you to shine the light of His Truth into the darkness?

Someone shared the goodness of Christ with you somewhere down the line, right? Someone certainly shared it with me.

I am so thankful that they did. I am so thankful that they were willing to show me His Love.

"You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden." Matthew 5:14

"Finally, all of you should be of one mind. Sympathize with each other. Love each other as brothers and sisters. Be tenderhearted, and keep a humble attitude." 1 Peter 3:8

ready to share,


**Follow our reading plan with us. You can find it here.


Memory Monday....


Remind me.....