Back in the saddle, girls.....

There's something you need to know. Are you ready for this?

If you have been following SHINE for the past year, you have learned 43 verses from God's Word. FORTY THREE! That's huge, people!

I prayed and asked the Lord if we should continue on with our scripture memorization. Uh, I got a resounding YES from Him. I mean, why wouldn't we memorize the Holy Word of God??

You also need to know something else. Many times I have had women ask me how they are to know when the Lord is speaking to them or if it is just their thoughts they hear.

This is what I tell them: When you are face down in prayer, when you have His Word hidden in your heart, you will hear Him speak.

What does it sound like and what does He say? He speaks through His Word. He answers you through His Word.

For example...If I am praying for something specific, or need to know how to handle something, I will recall a scripture that we have learned. I hear it in my heart or visualize it in my head.

 It will sound something like this:

"Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it." Isaiah 30:21

This is not coincidence girls. This is God searing His Word to our heart. This is God giving us His direction for the path we are to take.

It is not always immediate. Sometimes the Lord wants to continue drawing us to Him, resting in Him, and finding Peace in Him before He directs us. This takes trusting Him, trusting His timing, and trusting that He knows best. We must not get weary during this time. We must continue to seek Him, knowing and believing that He is hearing us and will direct us.

"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up" Galatians 6:9

When we combine reading and memorizing His Word with prayer, an explosion takes place. We are blown away by the magnitude and depth of His intimacy with us. Little old us!

Not one of us is more special to Him than the other. He loves us all with the same magnitude and force! Really, He does! We are all the apple of His eye.

But, is He the apple of ours?

That's were the intimacy gap occurs.

We sometimes take Him for granted, just go to Him when we are desperate, blow the dust off of our bibles when we have tried every other solution and nothing is working.....

We may still hear Him speak, because He is so good like that....but, we miss out on the opportunity of relationship with Him. We miss out on the opportunity to realize His Presence is with us always. He is always there, waiting to guide us, direct us, lead us.

Often we prefer a quick fix to our need, instead of the Healing He longs to give us.

Will you join me in planting the seeds of His Word in our hearts? There is an abundant harvest awaiting to be produced in our lives, girls. We just have to take the time to tend the garden.

I am going to keep it real, I need accountability in this. I get tired, weary, and sometimes want to take a week off from memorizing. So, I really need all of you to help me.

Let's encourage each other! Let's nudge each other, push each other a little harder to plant these seeds every week.

Here is our 44th Memory Verse:

"A person may think their own ways are right, but the Lord weighs the heart"
Proverbs 21:2

{This verse is in our Proverbs Daily Reading for today.  Remember, a Proverb a day I posted about last week?}
Funny how the Lord works. He has been teaching me a lot about having my own "agenda" and if that so-called "agenda" comes from a pure heart. {gulp}

 A post on that later. ;)

Come on girls, let's saddle up on this horse and get moving! Let's saturate His Word all over our little hearts!

Join me, partner? 

lacing up my riding boots,


**Join us in our Daily Reading Plan, you can find it here. 

Oh Joy.....


Love the one your with?