Monday SHINE.....

Reading Plan for the week of 9/23-9/29:

  • Monday 9/23: Psalms 72
  • Tuesday 9/24:  1 Kings 1
  • Wednesday 9/25:  1 Kings 2
  • Thursday 9/26: 1 Kings 3, 4
  • Friday 9/27: 1 Kings 5
  • Saturday 9/28:  1 Kings 6:1-7:12
  • Sunday 9/29:  1 Kings 7:13-8:11

Happy Monday, sweet SHINE girls!

I have to tell you, I am so excited today! This week, my husband and I will celebrate 15 years of marriage!

On one hand, it seems impossible that we have been married that long. On the other hand, I cannot remember life without him. Truly.

This sentiment hit me square in the eyes this past Friday.

Packing my bags for a prayer retreat with our SHINE prayer girls, I came across a picture of Lem and me.

This picture, framed on my dresser, has been there for years. However, that day, I saw it differently.

I picked it up, and looked at the two faces in the picture. Just he and I in snow gear from a trip out West early on in our marriage. Before children.

My eyes spilled over with tears as I stared at the young faces. Barely in our twenties, and full of life, promise, hope and an abundance of LOVE.

My heart swelled with sentiment, adoration, and love for this man that has been by my side for the past 15 years.

I sat down on the bed and thanked the Lord over and over for this man. This life. This journey with Lem.

We are growing up together. Growing old together. Doing life together. Glued at the hip.

Many days I take him for granted. I often put the children's needs ahead of his. Although he would never say that, I know in my heart it has been true.

I was convicted. Not condemned, but convicted.

Have I loved Lem like I vowed to do that beautiful September day 15 years ago?

Probably not as well as I could have, or should have.

I kept hearing in my heart this verse, "Love never fails."

No matter what the circumstance is, love never fails.

I turned the verse around and said it like this: I can never fail with love.

This makes it personal.

No matter my flesh, no matter my pride, no matter my past mistakes....

I can never fail with love.

It will always be the right way. The Lord's way. The higher way. The narrow way.

The next 15 years of our marriage, I will remember this day. I will remember what the Lord showed me. I will remember that I can never fail with love.

If I choose to love, instead of hold a grudge....

If I choose to love, instead of spew angry words....

If I choose to love, instead of retaliate....

If I choose to love, instead of letting pride win....

If I choose to love, instead of demanding to be loved like I want to be loved....

I cannot fail.

Because, God cannot fail.

Love never fails.

We can fail at love, but Love will never fail.

Yes, read that last line again. Until it sinks in.

Our memory verse this week, as you probably guessed:

"Love never fails."
1 Corinthians 13:8

choosing the way of Love,



Wednesday SHINE...


Wednesday SHINE....