Monday SHINE.....

Reading Plan for the week of 8/11-8/18:

  • Monday 8/12:  Job 36, 37
  • Tuesday 8/13:  Job 38:1-40:5
  • Wednesday 8/14:  Job 40:6-42:6
  • Thursday 8/15:  Job 42:7-17
  • Friday 8/16:  Psalms 42,43
  • Saturday 8/17:  Psalms 44
  • Sunday 8/18:  Psalms 45
Happy Monday, sweet SHINE girls! We are on Day 8 of our 40 Days of Prayer!

What a week last week was. It was a Doozie...with a capital D.

School started back, my son had a birthday, and my emotions were spewing all over the place. On top of all of that, several things happened that week to put me in a serious tail spin.

Prayer saved me last week. It truly did.{and several praying friends that I am beyond blessed to have surrounding me}

Every single time I wanted to react out of my flesh or my emotions, I heard: "devote yourself to prayer and be watchful and thankful."

I didn't like remembering our verse to be honest. I was sad, frustrated, and just pure flesh at times. 

Going to prayer was the last thing I wanted to do. However, I did.

I kept hearing the Lord say to my spirit, "Talk to me, Jill. Just talk to me. You can't do this without me."

Praying eased my mind, brought peace, and calmed my emotions. It didn't necessarily take away the trial, however it sure equipped me to handle it better.

So, as I think about our Memory verse this week, I keep going back to this verse. I heard it over and over last week as I prayed. God was reminding me to seek Him in prayer. To walk in prayer.

"Whether you turn to the right or to the left,
your ears will hear a voice behind you saying,
"This is the way; walk in it."
Isaiah 30:21

As I experienced the turmoil of my emotions last week, I kept hearing this verse. He was telling me to walk in the way of prayer. He knows it's what I need to sustain me. 

Why don't I always remember this?

Hence, the 40 days of Prayer. 

It forces me to remember. To be intentional. To pray.

listening, heeding, and walking,



Tuesday SHINE....


Friday SHINE.....