Monday SHINE.....

Reading Plan for the week of 8/5-8/11:

  • Monday 8/5:  Job 20, 21
  • Tuesday 8/6:  Job 22-24
  • Wednesday 8/7:  Job 25-27
  • Thursday 8/8: Job 28-29
  • Friday 8/9:  Job 30, 31
  • Saturday 8/10:  Job 32, 33
  • Sunday 8/11: Job 34, 35

Happy Monday, sweet SHINE girls! I sure hope your weekend was a good one. 

As we approach a new week, my heart is in a tender place. For several reasons.

On this day 12 years ago, I was in labor with my oldest child, Joseph. 

Although it has been 12 years, sometimes it feels like it was just yesterday. I can still smell the hospital triage room where my Joseph was delivered. The small, cramped little space. All of the delivery rooms were taken, so Joseph was delivered in a tiny room to the right of the reception desk. 

That story sounds familiar doesn't it? No room at the inn? ;)

August 5th, 2001 my life changed forever. I became a Mother.

I never knew how desperately I needed God until that very day. I was helpless without Him. 

My prayer life changed. My life was no longer about me and my new handsome husband. 

Life was now about this child, and being his Momma, and praying daily that I would not mess him up. I am so serious.

I remember many nights looking down at him in my arms, praying for him, tears streaming down my face. I was completely in awe of this bundle of wonder lying in my shaky arms.

So, this day floods many emotions into my heart. I long for those early days with him in my arms, yet I love watching my son grow into the man that God is molding him to be. 

Happy Birthday to my sweet Joseph!

With the turn of his birthday also begins a new year of school. Change. And more change.

As we get into the school groove, I am reminded once again, how I need to be seeking the Lord more in prayer. Constant, vigilant, prayer.

As we read the book of Job, my heart aches for Job. I already know the story ends well. However, I hate seeing him go through such turmoil and pain.

 I know Job was a praying man. He had to be. He trusts God. He believes God. He never turns away from God.

 "Oh, that my words were recorded, that they were written on a scroll, that they were inscribed with an iron tool on lead, or engraved in rock forever!  I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand upon the earth. And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God;  I myself will see him with my own eyes— I, and not another. How my heart yearns within me!" Job 19:23-27

We can learn a lot from our friend Job. I believe Job was strong and faithful because of his relationship with the Lord. How did this relationship get to be so tight?

I think it was prayer

Job spent time with God. He knew God. He knew God well.

I want that. 

With a new school year beginning, I feel led to start another 40 Days of Prayer. 

We did this last year. Remember? It was life changing. For many of us.

Today will be our Day One. 

Put it on your calendar, a reminder on your phone, a sticky note on your desk...something to remind you.

We will start today, August 5th, and end September 13th.

I know you precious girls already pray. This is just a reminder to pray more. Fill those spare moments in the car, in the shower, blow drying your hair...fill them with prayer. 

Our Memory Verse will remind you:

|"Devote yourselves to prayer,
being watchful and thankful."
Colossians 4:2

day one,



Prayer Requests and Praises for August 2013....


Saturday SHINE....