Tuesday SHINE.....

Today's Reading: 1 Samuel 5:1-7:2

Hello, my sweet and lovely SHINE sisters! Did I tell you 1 Samuel was good or what?!

I know I tell you girls all the time how being in the Word changes you. Right?

Well, I have another friend that wants to share her story of how being in the Word has changed her.

She has asked to remain anonymous because of some of the details of this story.

Be blessed as she shares what reading God's Word has done in her precious little life.

God's Word
by: Your SHINE friend

I began diving into the Word of God with the SHINE girls in January 2012!

The word of God has literally transformed my life. IN.EVERY.WAY.

I am simply not the same. The more I get into His word the more I crave Him. Those thin pages have become water and food for my soul. The days I go without my Bible reading leave me empty and I long for the refreshment His word brings.

Girls, God loves us so much that He will speak truth and direction into our lives through those pages.
 It happens ALL of the time. You don’t even have to be looking for it….but ALWAYS expect it!
Just last week I was talking with my husband about family members that are plagued with unforgiveness and bitterness toward each other. It all began as a silly argument that has manifested itself into a “Big Deal”!

You all have seen this happen before I am sure….

One of the family members is my mother-in-law, whom I love. My husband has spoken to her about the situation. She explained to him how she knows that she is wrong and that she knows what God’s word says….but she is unwilling to obey and let go of the pride and bitterness that have overtaken her heart.

This troubled me to the core.  I felt as if I needed to “do” something or “say” something to her. I prayed for God’s direction.

That night I reached for my Bible. We were finishing up the book of Judges in our SHINE reading plan. It was such good stuff that I kept right on reading into the book of Ruth.

The story begins with a lady named Naomi who had just lost her husband and sons in battle. She was distraught and decided to go back to her home town of Bethlehem. All that she had with her was her daughter-in-law. Her name was Ruth. Ruth loved God with all of her strength…she learned a lot about Him through Naomi. Ruth was filled with Hope and Joy despite her circumstances. Yet, Naomi was plagued with bitterness and despair (Ruth 1:19-22). The Lord was with them and Ruth remained obedient to both Naomi and God. She simply loved the Lord and lived for Him.

She soon found favor with a man named Boaz which changed the course of their lives forever. Gradually, Naomi began to change. God used Ruth to turn Naomi’s bitterness into gratitude, her unbelief into faith, and her despair into hope. One person, simply trusting in the Lord and obeying His will, can change a situation from defeat to victory!

After reading about this mother and daughter-in-law, I burst into tears. God has just given me my answer right there in black and white. REALLY? I was overcome with emotion. What are the odds that I would randomly read that chapter right after praying for guidance with my own mother-in-law? ONLY GOD! Isn’t that Him?!?!?

He wanted me to know that I cannot “do” or “say” anything to change her heart. But I can trust and obey Him….and that alone is enough. My life can be the example.

“And now abide faith, hope, love. But the greatest of these is Love” (1 Cor. 13:13)

Sweet sisters in Christ…God is desperately in love with you. He is waiting for you open His word and soak in His goodness. He has SO much to say. Curl up with Him today and EXPECT great things.

Love, Your SHINE sister


Wednesday SHINE.....


Prayer Requests and Praises for July 2013.....