Thursday SHINE....

Today's Reading: Ephesians 5:3-6:9

Hey, sweet SHINE girls.

Many of us are praying for the Nash family. A family in our small town that is going through a terrible, terrible tragedy involving their precious children.

I had not planned on posting today. However, I was clearing out emails and noticed a post that my friend Lisa had sent me back in May. May??

Why have I not posted this before now?

I still have no clue. Only that the Lord knew we would need this post this very week, this very day.

He works in mysterious ways, y'all. He really does.

Be encouraged today. God is our Rock.

by: Lisa Inlow

Wanted to share with you today about surrender...and my story.

As I've posted before, I have struggled with fear.  It is by God's grace and Him working in me that I do not live in fear anymore, though sometimes, I do visit the house of fear.  But again, I do not reside there.  Giving God all the glory!!

It has taken me years, lots of tears, writing in my journal, along with a lot of listening to Him...the quiet my thoughts can be spiraling to the bad place.

I tend to run to the house of fear, when one of my children are sick.  And just normal kid stuff.  But that's where the enemy can get me.

Y'all obviously the Lord was working and knew I needed to go a step further.....

One time I sat on my couch and thought through my worst fear.  I pictured each scene.  And then the final scene...

And then, I saw Him.  And I saw light.

And I immediately peace.  A peace that has stayed with me, since that day.

Surrender.  All of it.  The good, the bad, the ugly.

Because He is sovereign.  He is in full control, not me.

And it's then, when I realized (again) that my 2 kids are not mine, they are His, I felt at peace.  Unbelievable peace.

But I had to process that worst-case-scenario to move forward.

Because if my greatest fear comes true, He will be there.

I recently had a situation with a child and a trip to the ER, my husband was in Sweden on business.  Yep, across the ocean.

On my drive there, I was less than thrilled at the situation.  But I cannot tell y'all how clearly I felt his presence with me.  I was calm.  I was not wrought up with fearful thoughts.  At all.  Seriously, if y'all knew me, you'd know what a miracle this is!  Praising the Lord again!!!

Listen, I'm no psychologist or counselor, just a woman whose worked threw a truckload of issues.  So I want to encourage you, that if you can get stuck in fear or anxiety, walk through those scenes...

You will see Him.  And feel...peace.

I want to pray for us.

Lord, we are going to have trouble on this earth, which makes us long for your return, even more.  During this time of knowing the things that can happen to any of us, may we see the light of You, shining brightly in the darkness.  Lord we know You are peace.  We know You are in control.  Help us to walk in this knowledge.  Make it part of our hearts, not just facts we know in our heads.  We love you Father.  Amen.

Monday SHINE.....


Wednesday SHINE....