Saturday SHINE....

Saturday 7/13:  1 Samuel 20:1-21:9
Sunday 7/14: 1 Samuel 21:10-22:23

Happy Saturday, SHINE girls!

I hope you have been slaying some giants!

Every email, comment, text, phone call from you have encouraged me SO much in my own giant-slaying walk! You girls completely ROCK!

I'm so proud of you for taking that giant head-on, and trusting in your King to defeat that ugly monster!

Walk in Victory today, sweet friends.

As soon as yesterday's post was posted on the blog here, my friend, Sarah, emailed me this post.

I could not believe the similarities in her post and my post. It just goes to show that the Lord is speaking this to many of us. When God affirms His message through others, it is an awesome thing to behold. I actually got goose bumps when I read her post because it was so similar to what the Lord had laid on my heart about this passage of our reading. WOW!

Be blessed by Sarah's post today. Keep slaying those giants!

Saturday SHINE
by: Sarah Frachiseur

Did anyone happen to notice where David had to fight Goliath? In the valley. In the low place. Just like all of us. We have all been there. Some of you may be there now.

I just found it interesting. I have read this story in the Bible before and have never noticed that. David was in the valley, and he needed God like never before. The arena he was about to enter was too big for him alone. Way too big.

He didn't stand to fight Goliath in the name of David. No, he faced his enemy in the name of The Lord almighty.

"David said to the Philistine, "You come against me with sword and spear and javeline, but I come against you in the name of The Lord Almighty..." 1 Samuel 17:45

And did you notice how he approached his giant?

"As the Philistine moved closer to attack him, David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet
him." 1 Samuel 17:48

The enemy wants us to run the other direction. Don't be afraid to run toward your problem knowing the King of Kings is behind you. The battle is the Lord's!

"All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that The Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord's, and He will give all of you into our hands." 1 Samuel 17:47

And did you notice that after David struck the Philistine with the stone, the stone sank into his forehead, and he fell "facedown" on the ground? I once heard an incredible pastor give a sermon on this. He said that with the force of the stone, the Philistine should have fell on his back. But he fell on his face. The battle is the Lord's.

He is BIGGER and MIGHTIER than anything or anyone we are facing. Lets step out with the same faith that David demonstrated. He loves us and will not let us fall or be defeated by our enemies. All we have to do is surrender. Surrender ourselves into the arms of Jesus.

So whatever it may be that you are facing today, I encourage you to step out in faith knowing that He is able.

David also cut off the head of the Philistine. Gory, I know! That seems to be how things rolled in the Old Testament. :)

 But I believe it was God's way of saying, "It's finished David. You have the victory."

When we surrender to Him, he takes care of the rest. And we learn so much in the process! I have heard and read many times what Jill says about the hard times we go through. He will use it to help someone else. Someone may be in that same valley one day, and not know which way to turn. God will use you to help that someone.

I'm kinda in one of those valleys right now myself, but I like to say that I'm on my way up the hill. :) My Mama was there to encourage me yesterday (it's her gift), and she reminded me that I am of more worth than I think I am, and that He loves me more than I'll ever know. And that He WILL be there all around, never leaving me, and seeing me through. And the SAME goes for you precious one! :)

So I pray that the head is cut off of that problem, situation, or attack you may be dealing with in Jesus name! I pray that He reveals Himself to you through this time, and that you come out on the other side shining like a new penny! Lord, please cover and protect each SHINE girl, giving her strength, peace, and dignity in all she does. May we be equipped with all we need to face the battles before us. We thank You for being the God who saves, the God who loves, and the God who never leaves us. Let us surrender to You always.

Much love to each one of you! Remember that you are going in well equipped. You've got God and all of Heaven backing you up. :)

Love, Sarah Frachiseur


Monday SHINE.....


Friday SHINE.....