Thursday SHINE....

Today's Reading: 1 Samuel 1

Happy Thursday, sweet SHINE girls!

I'm bursting with excitement as we begin 1 Samuel this week. If you are new to SHINE, you need to know that 1 Samuel is the VERY first book we read beginning way back in January of 2012. YES!

I first fell in love with King David when I was introduced to him in 1 Samuel, a year and a half ago.

Yes, it's true. King  David is my boyfriend. {Lem knows, and he's totally cool with it.}

I love this fella. Like really, really love this fella. You will see why soon.

Get ready for the ride of your life in 1 Samuel. You will never be the same after reading this book of the Bible. It's good, good, good stuff.

Trust. Me.

You will see this continuing theme here in 1 Samuel:

God often accomplishes His will  using common people with an uncommon faith.

We just finished the book of Ruth. She was as common as the day is long.

However, because of her faith, devotion, and obedience, she became the great grandmother of Kind David. In the direct lineage of Jesus Christ.


I challenged all of us in our small group last night to think about what "uncommon faith" looks like.

God can and will use us in great and mighty ways!

It doesn't matter what we look like, where we came from, who we are, who we are not....

He's just looking for a heart completely devoted to Him. A heart with uncommon faith.

Oh, friends, I cannot wait for you t jump into 1 Samuel today. It will take your breath away.

Ask the Lord to speak to you today. Let Him breathe life into those lungs and revive you with His Splendor and Glory.

Get ready to meet some more common folks in the bible, with a ridiculous amount of uncommon faith.

I can hardly wait!

bursting with anticipation,


"But without faith it is impossible to please Him, 
for he who comes to God must believe that He is, 
and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." 
Hebrews 11: 6(NKJV)


Friday SHINE....


Tuesday SHINE.....