Friday SHINE....

Today's Reading: Friday 6/7: Judges 9:1-10:5
Saturday 6/8: Judges 10:6-11:28
Sunday 6/9: Judges 11:29-12:15

Good morning, SHINE girls! Happy FUN FRIDAY!! OK, it's time for a little fun. And yet, I wonder how fun this week has been for many of us? 

If you are struggling or hurting or in the midst of a transition or if you are back in a wounded area that you were sure God wasn't going to make you return to, I have an idea.

Turn around. Really. Try it.

God is right there, desperately pursuing you, pursuing me. Jesus is right there, waiting for you to ask Him for His peace. The Holy Spirit is reminding you all of the ways you could find solace. We are running to something, or toward something. We are controlling outcomes, we are missing Him in our hot pursuit.

"It's the Creator, calling the created. The Maker, beckoning the made. The bride finding what she has always waited for...our Refuge. Our Sanctuary."  
(words from Mercy Me -"In You")

When we are needing encouragement, when we need a miracle, that's right where God wants us. This week we read, "The Lord said to Gideon, “The people with you are too many for me to give the Midianites into their hand, lest Israel boast over me, saying, ‘My own hand has saved me.'" Judges 7:2

The Lord continued to whittle down Gideon's Army so that it would only be a God given miracle that they overcame the Midianites. WOW! 

Because we would always take the credit if the Lord didn't whittle us down.

He is there, He is. Even if we are weary now. I pray that just like Gideon with the fleece, that we would have our faith increased on this day and that we would SEE HIM. (Judges 6:11-27)

Lord, help us to turn around and see You. Help us to meet you as you are in desperately trying to reach us. Help us to be found by You. Show us the way, Father. Help us we pray!

Click this link and close your eyes. Imagine your Provider, pursuing you now.

Turning Around,


Saturday SHINE.....


Wednesday SHINE....