Wednesday SHINE.....

Today's Reading: Mark 16:9-20

Happy Worship Wednesday sweet SHINE girls! What a gorgeous week around here in Georgia! I really hope wherever you are today, you are worshiping Jesus!

Today, it is my absolute pleasure to introduce a girl that I have never met, Kristy Griffin. Kristy found our SHINE girls site on Twitter (I think).

Every single day she "retweets" our SHINE posts. I would get an email daily saying that she had retweeted our posts, and I had no clue who this precious soul was.

I began praying for her because she was drawing people to God's Word and our SHINE girls community.

Soon after I began praying for her, I met her sister, Katlyn, who lo and behold is also a SHINE girl. She also happens to live right outside of my neighborhood. What?! We both had no idea the connection we had. But, God did!

Katlyn immediately called Kristy and told her that we had met--and the rest is history. :)

Kristy and I immediately got in touch with each other and I asked her to share on SHINE. She has a powerful testimony. A testimony that God knew needed to be shared with all of you.

Grab your coffee, get cozy, and be blessed today by Kristy's story. I know you will!

Wednesday SHINE
By Kristy Griffin

Good morning, Shine Girls!

I cannot have this opportunity to share and not thank Jill for all that she does and how it has affected my life. I have not met Jill face to face (yet) but I know that her love for the Lord is HUGE! Shine girls has without a doubt changed my life! Before I started following Jill and “Shine Girls” on Twitter, I was not memorizing scripture, reading my Bible, or even praying on a daily basis. Seeing how Jill spoke of her love for the Lord and how on fire she is for Him, planted a desire in me to want to know Him on a deeper level. I’m so grateful for Jill and for how she’s allowed God to use her! I tell people all the time that she’s my BFF and doesn’t even know it! J

Kristy and her husband Allen
{aren't they adorable?}

When Jill asked me to share something with you, my SECOND thought was to write on something that I feel strongly about (how our words affect each other), but after praying about it the Lord clearly told me that wasn’t the topic my post should be about. He put it on my heart to write about FEAR.

You see, my FIRST thought after Jill asked me to share was “No way! I could never do that!”
I recently came across a verse in 1 Peter (3:15) that says, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.”

I knew that I had to say YES! When the Lord put it on my heart to write about ‘fear’, I knew why….

Fear is something that I’ve always struggled with. Ask anyone who knows me and they’ll say “Kristy is a big old chicken, she’s afraid of nearly everything!” …..and it would be true.

I’m afraid of everything from granddaddy long legs (quit laughing! Haha!), to never being able to have babies; but something I really fear is stepping out of my comfort zone. This is something I feel super convicted about, because I’m learning that you can’t give Jesus your ALL if you are afraid of being uncomfortable.

Psalm 34:4 – “I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.”

I’m learning more and more every day that Satan will grab hold of something that you struggle with and he will run with it. He will trip you up if you aren’t careful, and he will take that thing that you struggle with and create such a strong hold in you that you convince yourself that you’ll never break his grip on you. That’s exactly what Satan would do to me. He would use my struggle with fear against me and nearly paralyze me with it.

There was a time when the very thought of being away from my home for longer than a few days would have me crying and crippled with anxiety, because home is where I’m most comfortable. Change used to be super hard for me but I’m learning to trust Him with everything. I’ve grown more in my relationship with Him over the past year than I have in the last 10 years I’ve been a Christian.

Girls, God can and will do amazing things in you if you give your fears over to Him and allow Him to take care of you!

He will strengthen you when you are weak (2 Cor. 12:9), He will comfort you when you are sad (Matt. 5:4), and He will prove His faithfulness to you over and over again! (Psalm 33:4)

He’s teaching me all these things and more! I think more than anything, He’s drilled in me over the last year to be patient and wait on Him (Ps. 27:14)

He knows me. He knows me better than I know me! He knows what I need before I can even tell Him! 

He knows the desires of my heart and He has plans for me!

Now I’m not saying that I’m OK with granddaddy long legs or that I’m not still afraid deep down of never becoming a mama – but I am saying this….

God isn’t finished with me (or you) yet! (Philippians 1:6)

Giving my fears to HIM,


Kristy and her beautiful sisters
~Katlyn, Kristy, and Karen~


Friday SHINE...


Monday SHINE.....