Fellowship and 5K.....

Happy Weekend, SHINE!

Just a reminder that if you want to participate in the Madison in May 5K on May 11th,
Wednesday May 8th is the last day to register in order to receive a t-shirt.

We are doing this 5K as a group, with some walking, some strolling, and some running. Just come!

Read this post, if you are new and have no clue what I am talking about. :-)

Remember to wear YELLOW! Try to get to the check in by 7:00 am. I want to get a group picture of us!

My family will be there walking as well. So round up your family, and friends, and come join us!

If you cannot come, don't worry, we hope to have some other opportunities to fellowship and meet together this year. :-)

Step out and do this with us if you can.

I challenged my family this week to do ONE thing a day that scares them! Something that pushes you and makes you feel your heart beat hard in your chest! It makes us feel ALIVE when we step out of our comfortable little zones, and push ourselves for greater things.

Never done a 5K? Great! Perfect opportunity to step out and do something! Challenge yourself!

Let me know if you are planning to do this so that I can look for your pretty face!

stepping out with my friends,



Monday SHINE....


Prayer Requests and Praises for May 2013....