Thursday SHINE.....

Today's Reading: Hebrews 13:1-8

Happy Serve Day Thursday, SHINE girls!

Were you blown away by Sarah's AWESOME post yesterday? Me too!

I'm happy to know that I am not the only woman in America that has struggled with forgiveness. It truly requires walking forward, and not looking back, just as Sarah described.

I loved her visual about the two trees. I mean, WOW!

As the wind hooped and hollered around my town yesterday, I kept thinking of those trees.

Which tree would I choose to be? Because, yes, I have a choice.

I can forgive, and walk daily in forgiveness.

Or, I can be entangled , smothered and useless to the Kingdom of God if I choose to let those bitter roots take hold of me.

We have a purpose, a calling, a gift to share with the world. Every last pretty one of you.

The problem is that sometimes those ugly, old, decaying roots can keep us from fulfilling His plan for us. His plan to do good works through us.

"For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, 
which God prepared in advance for us to do."
Ephesians 2:10

If you have been wrapped up in unforgiveness and bitterness, I plea with you to go to the Father today. 

Share your pretty little heart with him and let Him heal you once and for all. 

You are most fulfilling His plan for you when you are working out of your gift. The gift He has chosen for YOU and only YOU.

Can we really be free to use our gift when we are all tangled up in the mess of living in the past and past hurt?


The world needs your gift. 

"God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts.
 Use them well to serve one another."
1 Peter 4:10

Will you serve the world a big huge helping of the gift that He's created for you today?

Get out there and SHINE today, sweet friend! Brush off those old dead limbs, and SHINE!

shaking off the debris,



Friday SHINE....


Wednesday SHINE......