Friday SHINE.....

Today's Reading: Numbers 11 & 12

Happy Fun Friday, SHINE girls!

It's been a good week, so let's end it on a really GOOD note, shall we?

Your fellow SHINE sister, Emily DeJarnett, is posting today. Not only is this sweet little doll posting, but she is giving away a SHINE prize! Yay!

Emily posted last month, so if you missed it, go and read it here. Good, good stuff.

I have never met this sweet girl, but we have emailed several times over the past few months. She is such a ray of sunshine, and she is diligently seeking the Lord. She's a college student on top of all of that. AND one of our newest SHINE prayer girls. :-)

Emily wants to bless one of you today with the brand new Passion 2013 CD...JUST released! I'll let her tell you why....

Fun Friday SHINE Give-Away
by: Emily DeJarnett

Emily & her Beautiful Sisters
{from left--Brittany, Caroline, and Emily }

Happy Friday!!

To those of us to have been celebrating Spring Break this week, it is always bittersweet when Friday comes! It’s been a wonderful week because I had some time to relax and get out of town for a few days… but an even BETTER week because the Passion 2013 album was finally released!

A few weeks ago, I shared about the incredible things God revealed to me at Passion. The times of prayer and reflection and listening to amazing speakers were life-changing but the Lord also really moved me through the times of worship lead by the unbelievable Passion Band including Chris Tomlin, David Crowder, Christy Nockels, and Kari Jobe (just to name a few of my faves!). At Passion, Louie Giglio said, “Worship is giving God His breath back.” He breathes life into our dry bones, his Power deep into our souls. When we deeply inhale His Grace, we exhale worship and praise!

The title of the album is “Let the Future Begin”- SO fitting for what the Lord stirred in my heart that week. Still, every time I hear these songs I cannot stop the tears from flowing! Every song has an incredible message but the album ends so beautifully with a rendition of my all time favorite song “In Christ Alone”. Huge tears, every time! Each song reminds me to breathe in the Glory so I can exhale my thankfulness and praise.

Hope this album will bless one of you the way it continues to bless me daily!

Embracing the future,

Oh, let me sing to God all my life long,
sing hymns to my God as long as I live!

Oh, let my song please him;
I’m so pleased to be singing to God.
Psalm 104:33-34 MSG

**I will draw a name this weekend, girls! To win this FABULOUS prize, let us know your favorite Worship Wednesday song. :) Please make sure to leave your name so we can contact you if you win!

As always, you can email us if you have trouble posting a comment at:

Happy Weekend!

Monday SHINE....


Thursday SHINE.....