Wednesday SHINE.....

Today's Reading: Hebrews 9:1-15

Happy Worship Wednesday!

In light of yesterday's post, I have a Worship Wednesday video to share.

I told my children on the way to school yesterday that God's angels were surrounding them day and night. They have nothing to fear at school, or late at night in their little beds. The enemy cannot touch them because they belong to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Do you, yes you, believe this to be true?

Just in case you are not sure, check out Psalm 91:11:

"For he will command his angels concerning you
    to guard you in all your ways"

If this doesn't give you reason to stand up and worship today, I don't know what will!

Whatever you are facing today, remember and believe His Angel Armies are surrounding you. The enemy cannot penetrate what belongs to God. You belong to the Father. Oh, what joy! 

Rest in this Truth, sweet friend. You are surrounded by God's angels. You are His. 

I was at Passion Church the very first time Chris Tomlin played this song. I know it was God's love song to me, personally.

It's also His song to you. 

Take a minute, and soak up the Truth in these words.

whom shall we fear,



Friday SHINE....


Tuesday SHINE....