Wednesday SHINE....

Today's Reading: Leviticus 24

Happy Worship Wednesday, SHINE girlies!

In celebration of Valentine's Day tomorrow and President's Day {and NO school!} on Monday....

I thought we should CELEBRATE!

What better way to celebrate than a SHINE weekday give-away!

It makes me so happy to GIVE away a PRIZE to one of you precious little things!!

This prize was donated by my Mother-in-Love...Jane.

She took me shopping on my birthday a few weeks ago. {yes, she's the best!}

As we were browsing a local Madison store {Teal Couture--great store!}, she saw this bracelet and said: "I want to get this for a SHINE give-away!"

Of course, I was thrilled. My head envisioned it dangling from one of your pretty little wrists.

isn't she lovely? she's light seafoamy green with a gold cross.
it would look great on YOU!
{for the record--it's been really hard not keeping it for myself. so serious. :)} 
I will draw a name this Friday, so get your name in the drawing!
Since it's Love week, I will be love-y and just let you leave your sweet name under the post in the comments. That's it. No hoops to jump through. Just your pretty little name.

Like this: Jill Hill 

Got it?

Easy, right?

Okay, sweet friends. Enjoy this Worship Wednesday! Sing loud and proud to your King today!

praising Him {and cherishing these last few days with the cute bracelet above},



A love note from God....


Tuesday SHINE....