Monday SHINE....

Reading Plan for the Week of 2/4-2/10:

  • Monday 2/4: Leviticus 12:1-13:46
  • Tuesday 2/5:  Leviticus 13:47-14:32
  • Wednesday 2/6:  Leviticus 14:33-15:33
  • Thursday 2/7: Leviticus 16
  • Friday 2/8: Leviticus 17
  • Saturday 2/9:  Leviticus 18
  • Sunday 2/10:  Leviticus 19, 20

Happy Monday, SHINE girls! I hope your weekend was fantastic!

My weekend was a dreamy whirlwind. My sweet husband whisked me out of town for a little get-away. It was surreal being by ourselves with nothing to do--except whatever we wanted! 

We kept looking at each other and saying, "This just feels strange!" But, in a good way, of course! :)

As we came home late last night, it felt good to walk through the door. I had missed my kids, my house, my pets. My familiar surroundings were such a sweet sight to behold. I was home.

Do you ever feel this way? Do you feel like you would do anything to get away and then realize that your heart is just permanently attached to your humble little surroundings?

What an incredible feeling of gratitude we have when we have a little perspective in our lives. Sometimes we long for something else, something a little different. Then, we realize, that what we have is exactly what we need

The Lord knows what we need, and just how much we need. Too much or too little of any certain thing may not be good for us. So, he delicately and intricately provides the perfect portion of what we need in each situation. He knows what we can handle, and what we just cannot.

Our memory verse this week is:

"LORD, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; 
you have made my lot secure."
Psalm 16:5

Some of you may be in a situation that makes it hard to say this, or to believe this verse. I urge you to say it, memorize it, tuck it away in your heart, and believe it. 

Trust that He is taking care of you. Even though at times it may feel like He's forgotten about you, it simply is not true. He has made your little lot secure, trust Him with it. Release those longings to Him, and roll around in some contentment.


Help us to trust You today. Help us to believe that You are Sovereign and You have made our little lots secure. You know what we need. You also know what we do not need. You hold our future in Your big, strong hands. 

Thank you for your attention to our lives. Thank you for loving us so much.

In Jesus Name, Amen.

grateful to be home,



Tuesday SHINE.....


Prayer Requests and Praises - February