Friday SHINE....

Today's Reading: Leviticus 17

Happy Fun Friday, sweet SHINE girls!

First and foremost, I believe we have a SHINE drawing to get to from last Friday! Remember Melissa's awesome post? Hard to forget, isn't it. Such good stuff.

Well, Melissa wanted to give a away the brand spankin' new Chris Tomlin CD, "Burning Lights"!

Let me just say that I have this CD, and it will rock your socks off! Every single song is good!

My little Presley drew the winner for this drawing. :)

Our SHINE girl winner is: 

Lisa T.

Yay, Lisa! Email me and I will get you this hot CD in your pretty little hands. 

So, my post today has a little something to do with a song on this CD.

It's titled, "Whom Shall I Fear?"

Have you heard it? Oh my. So good.

My little Tuesday night bible study group is reading a book called, "Calm my Anxious Heart."

Last week, we talked a little bit about the woman from Proverbs 31. You've probably heard a thing or two about this lady. She's the godliest woman, ever. 

Well, one of the descriptions of her struck me hard in the heart. I have heard this verse before, and I loved it. However, this time when reading it, it struck me differently.

"She is clothed with strength and dignity;
    she can laugh at the days to come."
Proverbs 31:25

Notice the highlighted sentence. She can laugh at the days to come.

This sentence has been going through my head over and over since Tuesday night. I envision this beautiful godly woman throwing her pretty head back and laughing a graceful laugh when faced with adversity, fear, the future, and the unknown.

She is confident Who has her future in His hands. She knows that God will be with her no matter what is to come.

Last night, my family and I got home late from a school function. We were all starving. I scrambled to feed the kids the chili in the crockpot, and then sat down to a bowl of cereal for myself. 

As my {sweet} husband Lem sat down, he mentioned that the chili wasn't as good as usual. 

I {not at all in Proverbs 31 woman style} lost it. Whatever came out of my mouth, I do not recall. It's all kind of fuzzy now. 

Soon after that comment, my 11 year old son is complaining that he cannot get his basketball shoes off and needs me to help him. 

My 6 year old nephew is beckoning me to help him find a towel for his shower. 

My daughter is incessantly pulling at my shirt wanting to take me back to my room for some "girl talk." 

Calgon take me away.

In those very moments, I thought about that sentence, "she can laugh at the days to come."

I thought about what this Proverbs woman would do in this situation. 

I imagined her laughing and being playful and not at all stressed about the chaos surrounding her.

Wow, I certainly had a long way to go.

I thought:  why not just enjoy the moment and roll with it. smile through the tears and just go with it.

So, I did. 

I hopped up and helped my son with his shoes. Showed my nephew the towel hanging on the back of the bathroom door, and scooped my daughter into my room for some girl talk.

Our Fun Friday Challenge:

I want us to laugh today. I want us to find the good, the joy, the life, the excitement, in whatever our day holds. I want us to laugh at the very thing holding us back from laughter. 

We can be so serious. We need to lighten up. Laugh more. A lot more.

Whatever we are facing today, we are promised that we can laugh at the days to come. If we trust Him and if we believe Him, we have nothing to fear. Let's truly get wrapped up in trusting Him through the chaos surrounding us, instead of running from it or worrying through it. 

Let's dive right in and find the glimpses of His joy speckled all over our situation. 

What is stealing your joy today and keeping you from laughing at the days to come?

Anger, bitterness, divorce, worry, fear, rejection, depression, illness, financial instability, body image issues?

Whatever it is, find the laughter as you think of your future.. Find the joy in being alive this day, this moment.

"A cheerful heart is good medicine,
    but a crushed spirit dries up the bones."
Proverbs 17:22

I cannot imagine how it will please the Father as we settle into trusting Him more. Relaxing in Him more. Living in the moment with Him more.

Read the words to this song below. It perfectly sums up the reason we truly have nothing to fear and can laugh at the days to come. 

"Whom Shall I Fear (God Of Angel Armies)"
by Chris Tomlin

You hear me when I call 
You are my morning song 
Though darkness fills the night 
It cannot hide the light 

Whom shall I fear 

You crush the enemy 
Underneath my feet 
You are my sword and shield 
Though troubles linger still 

Whom shall I fear 

I know who goes before me 
I know who stands behind me 

The God of angel armies 
Is always by my side 

The one who reigns forever 
He is a friend of mine 

The God of angel armies 
Is always by my side 

My strength is in Your name 
For You alone can save 
You will deliver me 
Yours is the victory 

Whom shall I fear 
Whom shall I fear 

I know who goes before me 
I know who stands behind me 

The God of angel armies 
Is always by my side 

The one who reigns forever 
He is a friend of mine 

The God of angel armies 
Is always by my side 

And nothing formed against me shall stand 
You hold the whole world in Your hands 
I'm holding on to Your promises 

You are faithful 
You are faithful 
You are faithful 

I know who goes before me 
I know who stands behind me 

The God of angel armies 
Is always by my side 

The one who reigns forever 
He is a friend of mine 

The God of angel armies 
Is always by my side 

The God of angel armies 
is always by my side


Monday SHINE....


Thursday SHINE....