Friday SHINE....

Today's Reading: Leviticus 26

Happy Fun Friday, SHINE girls!

I'll make this short and sweet so that you can get on with your sweet little day.

Our Fun Friday Challenge:

Let's make a point today to tune out the world and tune into Jesus.

I mean, really make a point.

We live in a day and an age where noise is just a part of our day. We even like noise when we sleep sometimes. {fans, t.v.'s, etc.}

Our ears have gotten so accustomed to noise that we kind of feel strange when we things are silent.

Turn off your phones, t.v., and radios for 10 minutes.

We are so connected to the world that we often end up disconnected with the Father.

Spend these 10 minutes soaking up your surroundings. Find God in the very place that you are. Listen with your eyes, and see with your spirit. He is there.

Inhale the sweetness of a quieted spirit and mind.

"...the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit,
which is of great worth in God’s sight."
1 Peter 3:4
Be will want to make this a daily habit. Once you experience the peace that comes with being silent before Him, you will desire it more and more.
tuning out,


SHINE Winner.....


A love note from God....