Thursday SHINE....

Happy Thursday, girls! Yes, this is a mid-day post. :)

I just have something to share really quick. Y'all are all like hundreds of my BEST girl friends. So, of course, I have to share this with you. Right now! ;)

Okay, so I was driving home this afternoon. It was rainy. It was dreary. It was yucky.

If you know me, you know that I do not do well with rainy days. I live for sunshine. I live for blue skies. It's just how I am.

Back to the story...

I was feeling a little blue. I was talking to the Lord. Spilling my heart about some stuff. Ya know, that kind of talkin'. :)

Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye I see a big bright thing in the sky!

It has been so long since I have seen the sun, I hardly recognized it's beautiful glow!

I looked to my left and there was an opening in the clouds. The sun was glaring through and a remnant of the most blue sky that I have ever witnessed was peeking through.

I choked on my tears. I could not believe that the Lord was showing me His Love...right then and right there. On the Interstate. Heading home.

Words cannot express how I felt.

If that were not enough, I then saw a big fat colorful rainbow in the sky.

It was God, again.

He really wanted to get my attention. Oh, and He got it.

I grabbed my camera and took a quick picture. I never wanted to forget that moment.

I never will.

He's always with us, girls. Even on the dreariest of days. He's just waiting to be found.

Are we looking?

i love you,



Friday SHINE.....


Wednesday SHINE....