Saturday SHINE....

Good morning, SHINE sisters!!

I'm sitting here looking out the window at the North Georgia Mountains.

You are all on my heart!

I'm praying for you. I love your hearts for the Lord.

Y'all are my GIRLS!

I want to bless you.

So, here's a Super Saturday SHINE girl give away!

It's the least I can do to show my love and JOY for your sweet little hearts.

I've got a cool little prize for one of you precious little darlings. ;-)

Just leave a comment telling us a little something about your sweet self. Anything!

We want to get to know our SHINE sisters!

For example: Jill Hill--I love coffee dates with my friends!

See, easy! Make sure to leave your name so that I can contact you if your name is drawn. Yay!

I'll draw a name next week. ;)

If you have trouble commenting: email me at and I'll post it for you. :)

You are all so very special! Not just to me, but in the eyes of our Father! Whew, how He LOVES you!!

Happy weekend, pretty girls!

Ready to give something away,



Monday SHINE


Friday SHINE.....