Monday SHINE....

Reading Plan for Week of 1/28-2/3:

  • Monday 1/28: Leviticus 1
  • Tuesday 1/29: Leviticus 2-3
  • Wednesday 1/30: Leviticus 4:1-6:7
  • Thursday 1/31: Leviticus 6:8-7:38
  • Friday 2/1: Leviticus 8
  • Saturday 2/2: Leviticus 9-10
  • Sunday 2/3:  Leviticus 11

{click here for the entire 3 month plan.}

Happy Monday, SHINE girls!

Are you ready for a new week in His Word? Promise me this: Whatever happened last week, leave it behind. Look ahead to today. This moment.

Sometimes, I have a tendency to "hold on" to things. I have a hard time letting conversations go, or letting things that happened yesterday go. I want to replay them over and over thinking of how I could have made things differently.

Girls, let's be done with that kind of thinking. God's Word through Paul tells us:

 "But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 3:13-14

From my own life I have learned that the enemy has a HUGE hold on on us when we stay stuck in the past. When we cannot seem to forget the wrong choices we made, or even the wrong choices made against us. 

God cannot work in our little hearts when they are stuck. HE needs our hearts to be open an ready to move forward to what each day will bring. A heart sensitive to His leading. 

Not only is it not good for us, but we will not live or walk in peace. Peace cannot reside in a heart that is preoccupied with the past. It simply cannot.

Oh, but how Peace rolls in like a river when we release. Releasing those thoughts, those memories, those regrets, the people that have hurt us. Release them. 

I urge you all today to walk in the here and the now with your Savior. No looking back over your shoulder, while biting your lip. Look beside you, to Your Father, who is holding your pretty little hand. Look up into His big knowing eyes and trust Him to lead you today. No more looking back.

Our memory verse for this week is:

click on this pic to download, print, or copy  :)

Forget the past, girls. Embrace the new thing He has in store for you! It's a beautiful thing. I can assure you.

no looking back,



Tuesday SHINE....


SHINE Girl Winner.....